Friday, January 29, 2010
Befuddled, Bemused, Bewildered
As a college buddy of mine once surmised before class one morning (after a late night playing "quarters"), "dazed, bewildered, lost in a world without sound." I don't know...that statement was probably taken from some movie or something, but it fits perfectly here. Needless to say, if nothing else, the president's speech was not expected...even by his most ardent supporters...
But after hearing his disciples at MSNBC hardly able to control their glee (or simultaneously, their disdain for "any" Republican response), he must've hit a home run...that is, if you believe that government is the one and only answer to the country's woes. They (the responses) were mostly as expected, but I would like to ask NBC pundit, Chris Matthews, if "it moved" while he was watching the speech...
Needless to say, the president did not come within a country mile of any of the five criteria I outlined in my last post. Oh well, I wasn't all that sure he'd turn his back on what he'd been doing up to now. I mean, the narcissism inherent in most politicians, especially national ones, pretty much prevents any "real" admitting to mistakes or errors in judgment. Mr. Obama, many on the left would say, fessed up quite well. On the contrary, the right-wingers were quick to label any show of contrition as disingenuous.
Where to from here? Well, the president made it pretty clear...what he has been doing IS getting him pretty much what he wants...ergo the message he intends to go forward full speed ahead. Folks on the right (mainly Fox junkies) are aghast...i.e. how, after Virginia, New Jersey, and Massachusetts, could he in good conscience, feel that he's moving in the right direction. They feign indignation that he "hasn't seen the light." If they actually believe that, then they (Republicans) are even more stupid than I thought.
What is even more clear, however, is that THIS (bewilderment, et al) is EXACTLY what the country needs. Do we really want to go down the "government is the answer," route? Or do we want to adopt more individual (and even collective) responsibility as a goal in which to strive? I believe last Wednesday's speech laid it out pretty succinctly. It appears that you/we will more than likely have a clear cut distinction and/or choice in the upcoming 2010 elections. Which way the country votes in November (and it must be "more so," one way or the other, than in the standard mid-term elections)...but yes, which way WE vote in November, will speak volumes as to just where we as a society want to go. THIS is good. Befuddling...but good...
But after hearing his disciples at MSNBC hardly able to control their glee (or simultaneously, their disdain for "any" Republican response), he must've hit a home run...that is, if you believe that government is the one and only answer to the country's woes. They (the responses) were mostly as expected, but I would like to ask NBC pundit, Chris Matthews, if "it moved" while he was watching the speech...
Needless to say, the president did not come within a country mile of any of the five criteria I outlined in my last post. Oh well, I wasn't all that sure he'd turn his back on what he'd been doing up to now. I mean, the narcissism inherent in most politicians, especially national ones, pretty much prevents any "real" admitting to mistakes or errors in judgment. Mr. Obama, many on the left would say, fessed up quite well. On the contrary, the right-wingers were quick to label any show of contrition as disingenuous.
Where to from here? Well, the president made it pretty clear...what he has been doing IS getting him pretty much what he wants...ergo the message he intends to go forward full speed ahead. Folks on the right (mainly Fox junkies) are aghast...i.e. how, after Virginia, New Jersey, and Massachusetts, could he in good conscience, feel that he's moving in the right direction. They feign indignation that he "hasn't seen the light." If they actually believe that, then they (Republicans) are even more stupid than I thought.
What is even more clear, however, is that THIS (bewilderment, et al) is EXACTLY what the country needs. Do we really want to go down the "government is the answer," route? Or do we want to adopt more individual (and even collective) responsibility as a goal in which to strive? I believe last Wednesday's speech laid it out pretty succinctly. It appears that you/we will more than likely have a clear cut distinction and/or choice in the upcoming 2010 elections. Which way the country votes in November (and it must be "more so," one way or the other, than in the standard mid-term elections)...but yes, which way WE vote in November, will speak volumes as to just where we as a society want to go. THIS is good. Befuddling...but good...
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Mr.'s all you need to do...
On January 27, 2010, the President will give his first State of the Union Address...THIS is a big one...he has a monumental task ahead...and according to preliminary reports, he will call for a three year spending freeze (except for Military Spending, Homeland Security, entitlements like Medicare/Medicaid, Social Security, and "some" foreign aid programs), further recommend additional child care credits and also ask for an expansion of tax credits to match retirement savings, specifically for "middle class workers" only. What?!?!
Oh, yes...and they've already passed "another" jobs bill to the tune of $154 billion...and it's been reported that they will add $1.35 billion on top of that to "improve student test scores." That's right...simply more government money (adding to the deficit) to "nickel and dime," problems which WILL require MORE THAN JUST PHONY MONEY. None of this will work; however all is not lost. Here's all President Obama needs to do:
1.) Freeze all discretionary spending indefinitely (look into non-discretionary as well)...and run, don't walk, but RUN...away from former Clinton Labor Secretary (and current UC Berkeley professor) Robert Reich's suggestion that rather than freeze spending, the country needs a THIRD stimulus. Yeah, he actually recommends that...and TELL the people you are RUNNING AWAY from such an inane suggestion!!!
2.) Contrary to former Secretary Reich's suggestion that people aren't spending because they don't have jobs...and the only way to create jobs, is to fund additional government programs, HE'S WRONG...just tell the people "we (government) will get out of your way." Simply say, "we tried bail outs, stimulus spending, infrastructure building AND for one reason or another (sure, go ahead and blame the Republicans if you'd like), it's NOT WORKING.
3.) Assure us that we (government) WILL NOT saddle you/us with additional debt. Also, all unspent stimulus $$...all REPAID...other funding (like what the banks are "paying back,"...KEEP IT...from THIS DAY FORWARD, we will unleash the American spirit and say "go forth and prosper." WE will get out of your way (the REASON, Secretary Reich, that people aren't spending is because THEY DON'T KNOW their future tax liability)...I don't care if you call it fees/fines/surcharges/tolls/levies/tariffs...whatever you want...BUT THE PEOPLE DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE PLANNING!! Tell them/us that we "WILL KNOW our liability (i.e. what's expected of you/us)."
4.) With that in mind, health care...though not dead, WILL take a back seat to jobs and yes, "it's the economy, stupid!" Say "yes, we WILL work to enact reforms on which we can agree." Perhaps, what has already been bartered with the insurance companies (i.e. no denial for pre-existing conditions, tort reform, the ability to purchase insurance "nationally," rather than regionally); HOWEVER, report there will be NO MASSIVE GOVERNMENT TAKEOVER!!!
5.) Lastly, and most IMPORTANTLY, take SOME RESPONSIBILITY...REMEMBER, the "last eight years" includes one full year of complete Democratic rule...and THREE years of complete legislative rule by the Democrats...and if you must go back and hammer Bush (yes, he's a buffoon AND an easy target), include EVERYBODY in your blanket condemnation, OTHER folks who helped create the sub-prime fiasco, and the dot com bubble, etc., etc., people like Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, the Clinton Administration, even the Carter and Reagan Administrations.
Mr. President...that's all you need to do...make this the "Decade of Responsibility." I'm not asking that you enact more tax cuts...I'm not even asking for you to apologize or do a "mea culpa," for your contribution to the country's problems. You can STILL keep your head high...simply make it CRYSTAL CLEAR that you and your administration will do EVERYTHING in your power to assist, aid, AND fund...those who are...RESPONSIBLE!!! Like how 'bout folks who ARE NOT behind on their mortgage payments...those (of us) who have ALWAYS paid on time...IMMEDIATELY CUT their/our (mortgage) interest rates in HALF!!! That's a good start. But more on that (and the MediaCopp Decade of Responsibility) later...
Oh, yes...and they've already passed "another" jobs bill to the tune of $154 billion...and it's been reported that they will add $1.35 billion on top of that to "improve student test scores." That's right...simply more government money (adding to the deficit) to "nickel and dime," problems which WILL require MORE THAN JUST PHONY MONEY. None of this will work; however all is not lost. Here's all President Obama needs to do:
1.) Freeze all discretionary spending indefinitely (look into non-discretionary as well)...and run, don't walk, but RUN...away from former Clinton Labor Secretary (and current UC Berkeley professor) Robert Reich's suggestion that rather than freeze spending, the country needs a THIRD stimulus. Yeah, he actually recommends that...and TELL the people you are RUNNING AWAY from such an inane suggestion!!!
2.) Contrary to former Secretary Reich's suggestion that people aren't spending because they don't have jobs...and the only way to create jobs, is to fund additional government programs, HE'S WRONG...just tell the people "we (government) will get out of your way." Simply say, "we tried bail outs, stimulus spending, infrastructure building AND for one reason or another (sure, go ahead and blame the Republicans if you'd like), it's NOT WORKING.
3.) Assure us that we (government) WILL NOT saddle you/us with additional debt. Also, all unspent stimulus $$...all REPAID...other funding (like what the banks are "paying back,"...KEEP IT...from THIS DAY FORWARD, we will unleash the American spirit and say "go forth and prosper." WE will get out of your way (the REASON, Secretary Reich, that people aren't spending is because THEY DON'T KNOW their future tax liability)...I don't care if you call it fees/fines/surcharges/tolls/levies/tariffs...whatever you want...BUT THE PEOPLE DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE PLANNING!! Tell them/us that we "WILL KNOW our liability (i.e. what's expected of you/us)."
4.) With that in mind, health care...though not dead, WILL take a back seat to jobs and yes, "it's the economy, stupid!" Say "yes, we WILL work to enact reforms on which we can agree." Perhaps, what has already been bartered with the insurance companies (i.e. no denial for pre-existing conditions, tort reform, the ability to purchase insurance "nationally," rather than regionally); HOWEVER, report there will be NO MASSIVE GOVERNMENT TAKEOVER!!!
5.) Lastly, and most IMPORTANTLY, take SOME RESPONSIBILITY...REMEMBER, the "last eight years" includes one full year of complete Democratic rule...and THREE years of complete legislative rule by the Democrats...and if you must go back and hammer Bush (yes, he's a buffoon AND an easy target), include EVERYBODY in your blanket condemnation, OTHER folks who helped create the sub-prime fiasco, and the dot com bubble, etc., etc., people like Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, the Clinton Administration, even the Carter and Reagan Administrations.
Mr. President...that's all you need to do...make this the "Decade of Responsibility." I'm not asking that you enact more tax cuts...I'm not even asking for you to apologize or do a "mea culpa," for your contribution to the country's problems. You can STILL keep your head high...simply make it CRYSTAL CLEAR that you and your administration will do EVERYTHING in your power to assist, aid, AND fund...those who are...RESPONSIBLE!!! Like how 'bout folks who ARE NOT behind on their mortgage payments...those (of us) who have ALWAYS paid on time...IMMEDIATELY CUT their/our (mortgage) interest rates in HALF!!! That's a good start. But more on that (and the MediaCopp Decade of Responsibility) later...
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
I was wr...I was wro...I was...wr, wro....
Okay, okay, I failed to call the Massachusetts Senate now the Republicans are all gleeful about their 41st vote...well, at least my errant call (again!) might elevate me in punditry to Dick Morris or Newt those guys ever make the right call?
Of course, the White House is scrambling...scrambling to look disaffected (ho-hum)...but I suppose they can rest their hat on the country's continued vitriol pointed in the direction of the (trumpet sound please) Bush/Cheney administration...
Sure, as Eugene Robinson of the Washington Post, said in his column today, Obama is failing to win the "message war," i.e. the Tea Party folks and other angry Republicans are making the most noise and Obama has had so many tough decisions (because of the...again, trumpet sound please...Bush/Cheney administration), he hasn't been able to "motivate" his liberal base...
But wait, it doesn't stop there...I mean, according to Robinson, administration spokespeople, and other (NBC) political pundits, the tried and true message that "we inherited these problems," needs to be highlighted...
Even funnier, the lead spokesperson for this viewpoint is none other than Bill Clinton himself. I mean, it's bad enough that (Martha) Coakley and (Scott) Brown were in a virtual dead heat before Bill...and later the President himself...made sojourns into Massachusetts...and afterward, the polls reflected a double digit Brown lead prior to the election (Brown won by 4-5 percent)...
Maybe President Obama should hire me to be his new press secretary there anyone quite as lame as Robert Gibbs? The first thing I would do is, much like the "War on Terror," immediately insist my administration STOP with the "last eight years," or "Bush/Cheney," or "inherited problem," crap...take it OUT of their playbook...
Was Bush to blame? Hell yes! However, the Democrats in congress (assisted by the duplicitous lobbyist-loving Republicans) and most certainly the Clinton Administration were EQUALLY culpable...every time I hear Bill snivel and whine that he "had nothing to do with these (current) financial problems," well, disingenuous is the kindest word that pops to mind...
So what happens now? Does the House pass the Senate version (unamended) in order to avoid potential filibuster? Do Senate Democrats circle the wagons and "lobby" (read: bribe) one of the formerly wavering Republicans, including (I hear) Brown himself. Do they go the reconciliation route (I would explain the term, but I'm not sure I understand it)?
I don't know...HOWEVER, what I DO know is that the Republicans WILL be blamed if there is no health care reform...and YES, they will eee-ventually pay for it at the ballot box...therefore, they MUST come up with a comprehensive plan...I know, I know, I'm wr...I'm wro...I'm wr, wro, so often, I should probably go to work for Fox News...
Of course, the White House is scrambling...scrambling to look disaffected (ho-hum)...but I suppose they can rest their hat on the country's continued vitriol pointed in the direction of the (trumpet sound please) Bush/Cheney administration...
Sure, as Eugene Robinson of the Washington Post, said in his column today, Obama is failing to win the "message war," i.e. the Tea Party folks and other angry Republicans are making the most noise and Obama has had so many tough decisions (because of the...again, trumpet sound please...Bush/Cheney administration), he hasn't been able to "motivate" his liberal base...
But wait, it doesn't stop there...I mean, according to Robinson, administration spokespeople, and other (NBC) political pundits, the tried and true message that "we inherited these problems," needs to be highlighted...
Even funnier, the lead spokesperson for this viewpoint is none other than Bill Clinton himself. I mean, it's bad enough that (Martha) Coakley and (Scott) Brown were in a virtual dead heat before Bill...and later the President himself...made sojourns into Massachusetts...and afterward, the polls reflected a double digit Brown lead prior to the election (Brown won by 4-5 percent)...
Maybe President Obama should hire me to be his new press secretary there anyone quite as lame as Robert Gibbs? The first thing I would do is, much like the "War on Terror," immediately insist my administration STOP with the "last eight years," or "Bush/Cheney," or "inherited problem," crap...take it OUT of their playbook...
Was Bush to blame? Hell yes! However, the Democrats in congress (assisted by the duplicitous lobbyist-loving Republicans) and most certainly the Clinton Administration were EQUALLY culpable...every time I hear Bill snivel and whine that he "had nothing to do with these (current) financial problems," well, disingenuous is the kindest word that pops to mind...
So what happens now? Does the House pass the Senate version (unamended) in order to avoid potential filibuster? Do Senate Democrats circle the wagons and "lobby" (read: bribe) one of the formerly wavering Republicans, including (I hear) Brown himself. Do they go the reconciliation route (I would explain the term, but I'm not sure I understand it)?
I don't know...HOWEVER, what I DO know is that the Republicans WILL be blamed if there is no health care reform...and YES, they will eee-ventually pay for it at the ballot box...therefore, they MUST come up with a comprehensive plan...I know, I know, I'm wr...I'm wro...I'm wr, wro, so often, I should probably go to work for Fox News...
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Republicans are sooooo stupid!!
Wouldn't that be an oxymoron? Well, it's redundant nonetheless...but yes, they ARE stupid. They STILL think we don't want health care reform, at least the version being fronted by the current crop of Democrats. They are wrong. As I heard a centrist pundit say the other day, "the American people like entitlements." We do...well, at least present day Americans do...
So now, the dwindling Republican voices are saying the Massachusetts's special election to fill Ted Kennedy's Senate seat is crucial to halting the "takeover of one-sixth of the U.S. economy." Yes, they're still throwing out that trite expression. Come on...if we've been taught anything by the new administration, we at least know they're not afraid of electoral threats...I mean, not anymore...
After the Bush-Gore debacle of 2000, (most) Democrats stopped taking for granted the votes of the disenfranchised. Granted, one wonders how they underestimated the masses during the '04 "Kerrymandering," but I digress. Both Democrats and Republicans, however, say that the Massachusetts's race between Attorney General Martha Coakley and state representative Scott Brown is critical. It isn't.
Coakley, the Democrat in the race has said that if she loses, every Democratic seat in the upcoming November elections will be in jeopardy. Brown, the Republican, has a (equally) singular campaign theme--to be the 41st Senate vote, thus allowing his party to filibuster and prevent passage of the Obamacare bill. Both couldn't be more inane, but Brown is wrong...and Coakley is just underestimating the intelligence of Massachusetts voters.
First, Coakley will win the seat...easily. Massachusetts is three to one in Democrat v. Republican voter registration. Second, even IF she was to lose, there is a majority in both houses and (also) in the friggin' country. We want, WE NEED, health care reform. Just like we NEEDED a change from the Bush-Clinton monopoly in the White House, and voted for Hope and Change...we will opt for (this) reform too.
Hey Republicans...what are you worried about? Sounds to me like your afraid it's going to work. If it DOES work, we all win...if it doesn't, you will regain power soon enough. I'm not worried, because past actions have proven you don't have the stomach...i.e. the ability to handle adversity like the Democrats. The Health care bill WILL pass. If it doesn't, you WILL be blamed. If it does, well, we still have hope.
So now, the dwindling Republican voices are saying the Massachusetts's special election to fill Ted Kennedy's Senate seat is crucial to halting the "takeover of one-sixth of the U.S. economy." Yes, they're still throwing out that trite expression. Come on...if we've been taught anything by the new administration, we at least know they're not afraid of electoral threats...I mean, not anymore...
After the Bush-Gore debacle of 2000, (most) Democrats stopped taking for granted the votes of the disenfranchised. Granted, one wonders how they underestimated the masses during the '04 "Kerrymandering," but I digress. Both Democrats and Republicans, however, say that the Massachusetts's race between Attorney General Martha Coakley and state representative Scott Brown is critical. It isn't.
Coakley, the Democrat in the race has said that if she loses, every Democratic seat in the upcoming November elections will be in jeopardy. Brown, the Republican, has a (equally) singular campaign theme--to be the 41st Senate vote, thus allowing his party to filibuster and prevent passage of the Obamacare bill. Both couldn't be more inane, but Brown is wrong...and Coakley is just underestimating the intelligence of Massachusetts voters.
First, Coakley will win the seat...easily. Massachusetts is three to one in Democrat v. Republican voter registration. Second, even IF she was to lose, there is a majority in both houses and (also) in the friggin' country. We want, WE NEED, health care reform. Just like we NEEDED a change from the Bush-Clinton monopoly in the White House, and voted for Hope and Change...we will opt for (this) reform too.
Hey Republicans...what are you worried about? Sounds to me like your afraid it's going to work. If it DOES work, we all win...if it doesn't, you will regain power soon enough. I'm not worried, because past actions have proven you don't have the stomach...i.e. the ability to handle adversity like the Democrats. The Health care bill WILL pass. If it doesn't, you WILL be blamed. If it does, well, we still have hope.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
If this was Jeopardy, the category would be "potpourri"
* Fox News has lost all semblance of impartiality...they've hired none other than Sarah Palin as a "correspondent"...who's next? The ghost of Ronald Reagan?
* Mark McGuire has come clean (re: his use of steroids)...when will the media step up and come clean about their part in the proliferation of performance enhancing drugs in major league sports?
* So Bill Clinton and Harry Reid have made racially insensitive anyone surprised they receive a pass from the media...right wingers trying to make it an issue are just sad.
* Speaking of right wingers, they whine and snivel that the left in Washington assume that we (the masses) are stupid...hey, we ARE!! Calm "we," I'm going heavy on the "me."
* Not so fast there, Southpaws...all the while we (the masses) are up in arms about terrorists receiving constitutional rights, you try and re-frame the issue as a vast right wing conspiracy.
* That's right...MSNBC spent all their time talking about a fictional story that the Christmas bomber was "overlooked" by disgruntled intelligentsia (read: Bush leftovers)...
* Speaking of a waste of time and money (i.e. criminal trials for terrorists in NY), how stupid is California...ELIMINATE THE WORD "MARRIAGE" FROM GOVERNMENT LANGUAGE!!!
* Prop. 8, which attempts to eliminate gay marriage, is going down one way or appears to be about the "word" just say "marriage" for ANYONE! Case solved!
* Luke Wilson's a nice enough guy...and AT&T probably HAS to counter the negative ads put out by Verizon, but I still miss the AT&T commercials with the hot "rollover minutes" mom...
* Tom Campbell-R (who?) has dropped out of the CA gubernatorial race to concentrate on losing to Babs Boxer-D for US Senate...come on, Boxer could only lose to two people--Arnold or me!!!
* ...and I'm not even that sure about Arnold...
* Mark McGuire has come clean (re: his use of steroids)...when will the media step up and come clean about their part in the proliferation of performance enhancing drugs in major league sports?
* So Bill Clinton and Harry Reid have made racially insensitive anyone surprised they receive a pass from the media...right wingers trying to make it an issue are just sad.
* Speaking of right wingers, they whine and snivel that the left in Washington assume that we (the masses) are stupid...hey, we ARE!! Calm "we," I'm going heavy on the "me."
* Not so fast there, Southpaws...all the while we (the masses) are up in arms about terrorists receiving constitutional rights, you try and re-frame the issue as a vast right wing conspiracy.
* That's right...MSNBC spent all their time talking about a fictional story that the Christmas bomber was "overlooked" by disgruntled intelligentsia (read: Bush leftovers)...
* Speaking of a waste of time and money (i.e. criminal trials for terrorists in NY), how stupid is California...ELIMINATE THE WORD "MARRIAGE" FROM GOVERNMENT LANGUAGE!!!
* Prop. 8, which attempts to eliminate gay marriage, is going down one way or appears to be about the "word" just say "marriage" for ANYONE! Case solved!
* Luke Wilson's a nice enough guy...and AT&T probably HAS to counter the negative ads put out by Verizon, but I still miss the AT&T commercials with the hot "rollover minutes" mom...
* Tom Campbell-R (who?) has dropped out of the CA gubernatorial race to concentrate on losing to Babs Boxer-D for US Senate...come on, Boxer could only lose to two people--Arnold or me!!!
* ...and I'm not even that sure about Arnold...
Sunday, January 3, 2010
A New Year...and a New Plan
So, here it possibilities, new hope, new change...WHAT? Well, I remember asking several months this really where we want to go? I understand...we fired Bush (HE WAS A DISASTER)...and voted for hope and change...and so far, President Obama has performed about as expected. Congress? Well, that's another story. this really where we want to go? Slip-sliding into a warped form of socialism? One need look no further than today's front page of my hometown newspaper, The Sacramento Bee. The top headline..."Hundreds of day care sites close," and down below in a smaller story, "Growing number of food stamp users have no cash income."
Of course, both stories were written from the angle of how unemployment affects everyone and everything...and how the housing bubble caused many to lose their jobs and their homes (and need for day care)...and how the "government" safety net has worked (or hasn't). WHAT? Yes, both stories attempted to present both those viewpoints...did the "government" provide enough? Or not enough? However, never was there anything in EITHER story about possible solutions...or cures...except for more "government." Of course, there was no mention of how many new "government" day care sites were created or saved by the "stimulus."
Again, is that really where we want to go? A warped form of socialism? Yeah, if there truly ARE so many people with zero income, aside from food stamps (and subsidized housing...and "national" health care...and "government" answers) IS socialism, warped though it may be...and I believe ALL sides of our government want us there...
I have a plan. It's simple...but at the same time, it will require considerable courage...well, a lot of courage...and some patience. HOWEVER, it WILL work. Here's all we need to do...beginning this year (or we may have to wait for 2012 to get all on board)...but, beginning TODAY...we simply do not vote for anyone in any legislative body (in the entire country) who has "D" after their name...
Hold on a second...I'm talking about legislative bodies...NOT the executive or judicial branches. Why? Well, because I believe activist Democrats can hurt us significantly more than activist Republicans. Democrats have proven they are masters of sabotage...well, sabotage in order to advance their agenda. Republicans, on the other hand, are inept. They can't hurt us...just look at those inane "Tea Parties."
It WILL don't HAVE to vote for an "R." Heck, voting 'em all out would be a double win...however, at the very least, we need to remove from the American psyche any inkling of voting for a legislator with a "D" after his/her name. Everyone knows Republicans and their big business buddies would thwart any early attempts at eradicating "R" from the legislative lexicon. But if we start with a grass roots effort to eliminate the "D's," the "R's" would follow. It could, would, and WILL work. this really where we want to go? Slip-sliding into a warped form of socialism? One need look no further than today's front page of my hometown newspaper, The Sacramento Bee. The top headline..."Hundreds of day care sites close," and down below in a smaller story, "Growing number of food stamp users have no cash income."
Of course, both stories were written from the angle of how unemployment affects everyone and everything...and how the housing bubble caused many to lose their jobs and their homes (and need for day care)...and how the "government" safety net has worked (or hasn't). WHAT? Yes, both stories attempted to present both those viewpoints...did the "government" provide enough? Or not enough? However, never was there anything in EITHER story about possible solutions...or cures...except for more "government." Of course, there was no mention of how many new "government" day care sites were created or saved by the "stimulus."
Again, is that really where we want to go? A warped form of socialism? Yeah, if there truly ARE so many people with zero income, aside from food stamps (and subsidized housing...and "national" health care...and "government" answers) IS socialism, warped though it may be...and I believe ALL sides of our government want us there...
I have a plan. It's simple...but at the same time, it will require considerable courage...well, a lot of courage...and some patience. HOWEVER, it WILL work. Here's all we need to do...beginning this year (or we may have to wait for 2012 to get all on board)...but, beginning TODAY...we simply do not vote for anyone in any legislative body (in the entire country) who has "D" after their name...
Hold on a second...I'm talking about legislative bodies...NOT the executive or judicial branches. Why? Well, because I believe activist Democrats can hurt us significantly more than activist Republicans. Democrats have proven they are masters of sabotage...well, sabotage in order to advance their agenda. Republicans, on the other hand, are inept. They can't hurt us...just look at those inane "Tea Parties."
It WILL don't HAVE to vote for an "R." Heck, voting 'em all out would be a double win...however, at the very least, we need to remove from the American psyche any inkling of voting for a legislator with a "D" after his/her name. Everyone knows Republicans and their big business buddies would thwart any early attempts at eradicating "R" from the legislative lexicon. But if we start with a grass roots effort to eliminate the "D's," the "R's" would follow. It could, would, and WILL work.
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