Friday, August 28, 2009


Well, they're all lined up outside the "Phillip Garrido compound" in Antioch, CA...and it's starting to reek. Yep, THERE they are...the local and national wanna-be pundits and provocateurs, each offering their own opinion of the shock and devastation of the 18 YEAR KIDNAPPING of Jaycee Lee Dugard, the (then) 11 year old El Dorado County (Lake Tahoe area) girl who was kidnapped from her neighborhood bus stop by Garrido (and his wife) in 1991. She was "reportedly" then held captive and over the years gave birth to two children (now ages 15 & 11), both reportedly fathered by convicted sex offender, Garrido.

Sure, they can blame the "authorities," ... and believe me, they'll get around to it. But for now, they're talking "just the facts," etc., occasionally tossing in a "Stockholm Syndrome" reference (the Stockholm Syndrome attempts to explain how a "captive" might begin to sympathize with or show signs of loyalty to their "captors" and not try to escape, etc.). All of the "on the scene" reporters are already beginning to offer their mini-editorials, taking great measure however, to remain "sensitive" to the victim (and family). But, come on, no sightings...doctors, hospitals, schools, or even things in the neighborhood, "trick or treating," etc.

But, speaking of "authorities," I'm still wondering why the media is just letting things go when they hear little tidbits like, "the subject (Garrido) is on lifetime parole and had been supervised by federal authorities from 1988 through 1999 when he was transferred to California State Parole." Now, I've worked with Parole Agents...agents who supervise convicted sex offenders. The officers I know would never have done only "three knock and talks" (home visits) a month...and not been suspicious of a backyard "compound."

Still, no questions from the media? I know, I know...they'll get around to it. HOWEVER, they are printing (and reporting) these statements, etc., AS FACT. My friends (in the media) can still be "compassionate," and NOT print every word or sentence you are given. How about just a little bit of investigation...remember "All the President's Men?" You know, Woodward and Bernstein would seek to verify reports utilizing multiple sources? They wouldn't simply throw "everything" at the wall (or page) and wait to see what sticks.

Many would say, hey, you're getting ahead of're as bad as the media. Au contraire, Ben Bradley-breath!! I've been on both sides of these situations--media AND law enforcement. I understand that much of the information is not (AND CAN NOT be) released to the jackals in the media...and I also understand that law enforcement (like ALL civil servants) can make mistakes, even though much is beyond their control (again, blame the lawyers?)...still, the smell might go away with a little Listerine...or some ethics...

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Is it just me?

Am I the only one...

...who actually thinks we should only have TWO LINES for health care in this country--the responsible line AND the irresponsible line...

...who noticed after the tragedy of 9/11 that one side of our government stated, "you are either WITH us or AGAINST us," and the other said, "you are either WITH us or you are NOT." Very interesting...

...who believes Cincinnati Reds pitcher Bronson Arroyo is a breath of fresh air...AND wonders when a member of the media will step up and admit THEIR PART in the proliferation of steroids in Major League Baseball (and sports in general)...

...who thinks the mom on the "AT&T rollover minutes" commercial is hot...

...who didn't "do well" in the 90's...

...who believes that single payer health care is the ONLY thing that could EVER pass...AND even have the slightest chance for success in our fragmented country...

...who also knows that it will never happen because of the lawyers...

...and who also knows that while many also blame insurance companies, all single payer would do is turn them into government employees...which they wouldn't fight (because there's STILL plenty of room for "fraud and corruption")...

...who wonders why a smart guy like President Obama would pull us out of a certainly winnable war in Iraq to get us stuck in the quagmire known as Afghanistan, the "true Vietnam" (come on, the mighty Soviets, who NEVER played by the rules, couldn't win there)...

...who is tired of the hypocrisy of the "right to life" arguments from BOTH sides...


...who thinks bloggers are a complete and utter waste of time and talent...I didn't think so...

Monday, August 10, 2009

What is WRONG with you people?

OMG! I can NOT believe you people. It's like this is the first time liberals have ever acted like liberals...and conservatives likewise acted like conservatives. Geez, the government is getting involved in Health Care reform, or euphemistically stated, Health Insurance reform? Really? Hello? Government ALREADY IS involved in Health Care/Health Insurance. Ever heard of Medicare? Medicaid?

However, BECAUSE of these "bi-polar" factions, our country will again fail to enact anything which remotely resembles fair and equitable health care coverage...but I guess that's the point, right? Well, the left wants to eventually get to a single payer, government-run, "socialized" form of medical care...and conversely the right would prefer that health care remain in the private sector with primary focus being placed on individual responsibility. Both are wrong.

Why? Well, one need look no further than the aforementioned Medicare...or Medicaid...or see why the government option would ultimately fail. Well, that and also lawyers (i.e. politicians) would run everything. Not so fast there, Dr. Kildare, the private sector also fails the smell test...of course because of (the) lawyers...and lobbyists...and drug companies...and yes, also politicians...BUT MAINLY because "individual responsibility" is taboo in the 21st century.

What's the answer? Well, I've already briefly detailed the MediaCopp plan...which would cover every single "responsible" person who wants coverage. But that's not what we're here to talk about this time around. What, I see, as a much larger problem is the non-stop pontificating (whining?) by BOTH sides.

My God...right wing well as Republican politicians are droning on about euthanasia like it's never been discussed before...or covering illegal immigrants (hey, we're paying for them now!!)...while the Democrats are denying they are seeking socialized medicine (when, hey, you ARE...that's the best thing about your program)...even President Obama is playing fast and loose with the politi-speak (i.e. "we're just trying to clean up the mess you guys made during the last eight years," somehow miraculously forgetting about the half century of Democratic congressional rule).

And the duplicitous media is failing to report ANY OF THIS!! Even USA Today is getting into the act...their lead editorial today citing "," a quote-unquote non-partisan think tank operated by University of Pennsylvania School of Communications, not exactly a bastion of conservatism...and overall, the media continue to "ignore" bad deficits/good deficits and/or bad war/good war...when they're basically the SAME DAMN THING!!

Oops, now I'm becoming one of you "people." And yes, I'm back...and glad to be here...more to come...

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