Thursday, July 30, 2009

I'm having a heatwave!!!!

I feel like Charles Kuralt...coming to you from the great know, "on the road," Charles know, CBS news Charles Kuralt...not Willie Nelson "on the road,"...oh, never mind...

I followed my daughter's softball team up here to beautiful Mt. Vernon, WA...well, actually Burlington,, I mean, Sedro Woolley,, not Hooterville...or Mt. Pilot...not even Pixley...ah, never mind...

Good news, right? Leave the scorching 100 plus temperatures in Scabraghetto (Sacramento). So what if it rains a little up here, right? Well, in case you hadn't heard, SEATTLE WAS 103 degrees yesterday!! But that's not what I'm really burned about...

My daughter plays for an ASA team from West Sacramento, the Mizuno All-American 14 U team. She opted for ASA because she was tired of girls who didn't care...and of parent/coaches (especially THIS parent...can't blame her, I wasn't much of a coach)...she wanted to be ready for (and play) varsity softball in high school...and SHE DID!!

She played (and STARTED) for her high school varsity team...but because she's still so new to competitive softball, she wanted to stay in 14U for one more year (needless to say, she's NOT the youngest one on her current team) here we are in Washington...and she's sitting on the bench...why? Two words...DADDY BALL...

Yeah, yeah, right...I'm just an angry parent with a sub-par ball playing child, right? No, that's not it. The other girls are just better than her, right? No, that's DEFINITELY not it. But, but, but, the coaches wouldn't bring the girls all the way up here to (just) showcase their daughters, would they? Welcome to the WORLD OF DADDY BALL!!!

Bitter? Yeah, a little...sorry we came? No, we have a vacation place up here and plan to move here during (later) retirement...THEN WHAT'S THE FRIGGIN' PROBLEM? Well, what the HELL DO YOU THINK THIS BLOG IS ALL ABOUT? I'm a friggin' MediaCopp...I point out hypocrisy when it roars its ugly head...and on this team, there are three ugly heads (coaches)...

Don't worry...she's a great kid...MY DAUGHTER IS THE BEST!!! I'm ready to pack and GO. On the other hand, my daughter wants to stay so as "not to let down my teammates." Not only that, but she had an RBI in the first game...even though she's getting minimal (AND SPORADIC) playing a matter of "friggin' fact," she's the only one who has been able thus far to hit one out to the fence...

And she could do it again...many times...BUT NOOOOO! That's not part of daddy ball. It's like deja vu all over again...seems my own athletic career was full of subjective/hypocritical coaches (i.e. daddies)...and I wasn't really good enough to "pay back" these naysayers...but, my daughter WILL make them pay....gooooooood day! Oh wait, that's Paul Harvey...

Friday, July 17, 2009

Stay Tuned

Dear Folks,

MediaCopp will be going on vacation soon...well, actually a softball tournament, the Western Nationals in Mt. Vernon, WA, from July 26 through August 2. Then, we'll be scouting post-retirement locations throughout the WA area, yes, getting "as close to Canada," as we can.

Seriously, California (right now) is NO PLACE TO BE...and no, I'm not bailing on the Golden State...actually, I'm from Washington, having been born in Everett, WA, many MANY years ago. I guess you could say I'm going home...yeah, that's it...home...yeah...

I will, of course, be posting from the road and attempt to keep you informed of what's happening in the world of MediaCopp. With all the hoopla over my last HMO post, it's a wonder I have time to post anything this week. Well, I didn't expect to hear from Paul Krugman himself, but...

Upon my return from the great state of Washington (yes, my daughter has three more years of high school here in the hood), I will be continuing my hard hitting political posts, interspersed with slabs of comedy and other bites of deathless prose. Among future topics:

The Cycles of Obama

The Disenfranchised Middle Class

A New Republican Revolution (no, it's not what you think)

MediaCopp takes the stage at Tommy T's

So you want to be a cop(p)...

Why the Media needs to step up and share blame for steroids in baseball

The Nine Deadly Sins

Dueling Impressions

Michael Moore was right!

So please...stay tuned for these and many more snipets of MediaCopp. We're not going anywhere, of that you can be assured.



Friday, July 10, 2009

Where's a good socialist when you need one?

Here it is...the MediaCopp Health Plan...this plan covers everyone...EXCEPT the blatantly irresponsible...COLD? HEARTLESS? LACKING IN COMPASSION? No...quite the contrary. Our country's problem is not a "lack of health care," nor is it the "lack of access to health care," nor is it the "affordability of health care." IT IS, as is everything about our culture, a case of the "haves v. the have-nots." The MediaCopp Health Plan tears down those barriers.

You know, I thought Paul Krugman had the answer. Krugman is a columnist with the New York Times...a damn fine columnist...AND a damn good socialist...I think even Karl Marx once said, "oy, he's a good kid...but a little late on the bandwagon." Yes, I know Marx died in 1883 (but he WAS a visionary). Anyway, Krugman wrote recently (this century) that universal health care is within reach. He stated he agrees with "serious health economists" that universal health care will be eminently affordable. But Krugman then goes off task.

Rather than highlight his own Marxist beliefs that capitalism (i.e. private, competitive, etc) is unfair and therefore unworkable in a universal (health care) model, he jumps on the Obama bandwagon (yes, the same "late" one) and talks of the specifics of the HELP plan. HELP is an acronym from the U.S. Senate committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, but it appears (to me anyway) to be more of a "plea" than anything else.

Anyway, instead of railing against private insurers, Krugman and clan (Senate) disingenuously (I believe) start "talking up" a public-private partnership whereby they could achieve near-universal coverage. What? Near-Universal? Not good enough. My God, you'd have thought Krugman was an "analyst" for Fox News or something. I mean, come on, Krugman's article revealed that insurance companies would be required to offer "everyone" the same coverage and "everyone" (oh, except the poor and near-poor...decided of course by Krugman and Associates) would be "obligated" to purchase insurance...blah, blah, blah, and then, of course, there's the aid of subsidies...blah, firms of 25 or more people...blah, penalties for not providing coverage...blah...

Here's the MediaCopp proposal...single payer...universal coverage for EVERYBODY...however, we're talking cradle to grave...AND we're talking EVERYBODY...Joe Six-pack and Joe Skidrow get in the same line with Joe Biden...yep, the coverage that "the rich" (read "haves") are given is the exact same coverage the "poor" (read "have-nots") will earn...oops, I mean will be given. Sorry, do I have that backwards? Seriously, what could be more fair?

Don't think it'll work? It's where we're headed anyway, so climb aboard and enjoy the ride. Many would say, hey MediaCopp, what about the folks who don't take care of themselves, won't go to their appointments, will ABSOLUTELY refuse to participate in your plan? Ah, ye have little faith...stick the "free" tag on it...and they will come...the responsible people already come (and pay via taxes, employment, etc). We only need to see to it that the irresponsible people come as well.

Just as in the MediaCopp plan for civilization (two lines, one for the "responsible" and one for the "irresponsible"), the MediaCopp Health Plan has bifurcated goals...NOBODY is excluded from the "responsible" simply need to comply with the basic tenets of responsible health maintenance. You don't HAVE to simply get in the "irresponsible" line if you refuse. It's a simple as that. Krugman says it works for France (well, except the "responsible" part) Hey, you know...I might have to move to New York, so I can go to Krugman's doctor...

Friday, July 3, 2009

114 down...? more to go...

Well, it's here...tomorrow, 114 of my fellow officers with the Sacramento County Probation Department lose their jobs...and nary a mention in our local newspaper, the Sacramento Bee. Why? Do they care? Does it fit their agenda? Well, I guess they care, right? But, they are VERY, VERY short sighted.

They've been reporting non-stop about firefighters and cops and sheriff's deputies and the effect potential layoffs (yes it's STILL potential...although granted some are scheduled to be terminated on August 1)...of course always with the wry "wink and nod" that the famed "union busting Bee" EXPECTS these officers to share the pain as it were...with of course wage and (certainly) benefit concessions...

Okay, we get it...the Bee wants to incite the "class envy" mentality prevalent in our overall society know, the haves v. the have-nots, the rich v. the poor, the civil servants v. the private sector (yes, I get it...with the increasing irrelevance of newspapers today, they've GOT to do something to try and stay in business) WHY public employees? Envy? Hate?

Okay, we get that too...but could you please FIRST do your friggin' job? I mean, the Warren E. Thornton Youth Center closes...a 110 bed facility that houses what the Bee would call troubled (I call criminally oriented) youth...a last resort for females and a second to last resort for males in a local capacity. I have news for the Bee...the Youth Center boys (ages all the way up to 18) are the VERY SAME "boys" who caused the Bee to rail non-stop for a multi-million dollar fence to be built around the Sacramento County Boys Ranch just a few scant years ago.

Yes, THAT fence...but that's beside the point...the Bee does absolutely zero investigating into what the effect will be to close the Youth Center (AND IT IS CLOSED AT THIS VERY MOMENT)...and all for a paltry $8.9 million...yeah, that's like what? 2 days in Iraq? HEY BARACK? Where's the stimulus money? Schools, Levees, Parks, etc. are literally falling apart...and I've seen and heard ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about all the stimulus $$...

Well, except for (I heard) a couple of young people were hired by Yolo County to do some parks and recreation stuff for local kids (support your local gang banger?)...and of course...the CASH FOR CLUNKERS program...what a complete and utter about a program that's just begging for fraud...oh sure, there are safeguards in place...YEAH, RIGHT...who monitors the program? Some of the "terminated" public servants?

What's the answer? Well, besides what MediaCopp has already outlined NUMEROUS times during past posts, how about we get JUST A WEE BIT CREATIVE? California will very soon (today?) be bombarded with extremely zealous (granted, mourning) fans of a certain pop icon. I'm quite certain Sacramento could find a way, and the Bee could advocate for, a way to turn this into a positive, neigh, a money making opportunity for our residents...come on, it worked when "we" wanted to build a fence...

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