Thursday, March 29, 2012

Stand up, sit down...fight, fight, fight...

More predictions? Yes please...

* Gas prices will mysteriously "stagnate" and come down (slightly) prior to the election in November...and afterward, will rise to "where they're supposed to be," again...

* The Creepublicans (and Paul Ryan) will never be taken seriously in their deficit reduction schemes until they remove the "appearance" of tax cuts for the rich...

* The Supreme Court will strike down the individual mandate portion (the best part) of the Health Care law, but will let the remainder stand, and the vote will be by a 5-4 margin, thus resulting in half the public citing the ruling as illegitimate...

* Don't worry...the administration will calmly change a few minor pieces of the legislation and the law will return with the bad parts fully intact...

* Now that the president has clearly stated his position on gas prices (ending tax breaks for oil companies), here's mine...let the oil companies make all the money they want...start drilling AND at the same time, incentivize (see, I watch MSNBC too) investment in green energy...

* Tiger Woods will win the Masters golf tournament next month...and there will still be zero allegations of steroid use and/or abuse...

* The $510 million jackpot in the California Mega Millions game (tomorrow) will be won by one individual who will take the approximately $400 million lump sum payout and promptly pay for the Kings new arena in Sacramento...

* Governor Jerry Brown and the California Federation of Teachers' millionaire tax will easily pass in the June elections, resulting in more "projected" funding for schools...but only because the law includes a levy on moving vans exiting the state...

* Finishing up with a joke I wrote a few months ago...and recently found among my notes...the only difference between "ranch" and "raunch" is you...oh wait, there's no such word, I was thinking of raunchy...why? Because I suck, that's y...

Thursday, March 22, 2012

It's an annual event...

Wow, is it that time of year again (already)? Well, I guess the (presidential) primary season IS well under way throughout the nation, so I suppose it seems appropriate for our various media outlets to begin expressing their collective outrage against California's 3-Strikes Law. Every year around this time, our news outlets begin their quest to "somehow" water down the law by offering almost every foundation or group (usually made up of inmates, their families, defense attorneys, Martin Sheen, etc.) unfettered access to their pages and/or newsrooms.

Recently, our local newspaper (Sacramento Bee) ran a "guest editorial" by a group called the
Brennan Center for Justice. The Brennan Center ran with the usual "pizza thief" analogies and then cited high prison costs, which they say would be better used for rehabilitation programs and the like. Nothing new here...however, they added a new twist to their yearly sojourn, equating the 3-Strikes Law with torture (water boarding) and even Japanese internment. That's a stretch.

But why go there? Well, maybe because the law is working. The law was overwhelmingly passed by voters in 1994 and has indeed reduced crime significantly. According to the California District Attorney's Association 10-year Retrospective, overall crime went down 35% in California from 1993 through 2002. As well, violent crime went down 44% during that same period.

Also, the law is NOT the same as first enacted. The Courts were initially denied a role in determining a fair sentence if the defendant had 2 or more qualifying prior convictions regardless of the nature of the present offense. Further, there was no discretion for prosecutors to dismiss qualifying prior convictions, regardless of the fairness of the ultimate sentence a defendant would receive. Today, such is NOT the case.

The facts reveal both the Courts and District Attorneys ARE using their discretionary powers responsibly. For example, the Sacramento County District Attorney's office sought and obtained just 16 such convictions in 2010 (as compared with 94 in 1996). Similarly, statewide 3-Strikes convictions went from more than 1,700 in 1996 alone to less than 200 per year in the last three years.

Granted, there are multiple reasons for this downward trend. In addition to District Attorney discretion, there is the closure of the "revolving door" of justice, i.e. repeat offenders being tried and/or plea bargained out time and time again. Additionally, the 10-20-Life law was enacted in 1997 and created much stricter penalties for specified offenses involving possession of and/or use of a firearm.

However, the specifics of the 3-Strikes Law and the lack of specificity of its detractors are most telling. A "serious" or "violent" felony is very specific and clearly outlined in the California Penal Code. Again, detractors can only point to anecdotal evidence (i.e. pizza thief) because when they start throwing "prison cost" into the equation, most reasonable people can see incarceration is but a small part of the overall "cost" of our justice system.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Here's the scary part...

Once again, it's all about me (a very special MediaCopp)...a second post this week because, well, it needs to be said...

I received, via e-mail, another Fwd, entitled "Report Card 34 Months," guessed it! Obama's performance in the White House. It included the greatest hits, including "gas prices have more than doubled since he took office," (forgetting that the price was just temporarily low and had been in fact even higher just months previously). Additionally, the list included the "more people on food stamps," and "more people in poverty," all the usual suspects, i.e. stats which can be easily manipulated.

Even though most of it had a hint of truth and much of it would be undeniable, even to the most ardent Obama supporter, well, it's obvious (to me) he will be reelected in a landslide because he has, albeit under the radar, managed to "enslave" enough people that they will HAVE to vote for him or risk cutting off their own oxygen tanks.

Here's the scary part (yes, it IS all about me)...

During the Bush years:

* I had two cars stolen from in front of my residence...

* Two (2) of my children were "jumped" and beaten by "thugs" on two (2) separate and distinct occasions...

* I had my residence burglarized on one occasion...

* I had cars vandalized and property removed (burglary) on three separate occasions...

* On numerous occasions, I personally had to contact and/or speak with law enforcement to mediate some type of dispute...

During the Obama years:


Now, here's the sad part...

In other words, there something to be said for creating a welfare state, or dependency if you will, including 107 weeks of unemployment, $25 billion in home loan bail out, non-stop "stimulus," easy access to long term and/or SSI disability and mustn't forget "free" health care...BUT the only people who actually see that this CAN NOT last, well, their voices are being drowned out by the sounds of printing presses at Fort Knox...

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Rainy Days and Tuesdays

* Yes, it's raining (again), in the drought stricken state of California...and will be for the next 5-7 days. Bummer, now the Media will have to come up with more phony excuses to prolong the drought...

* Good News! Rush Limbaugh will soon be off the air...well, at least the blogosphere is full of stories indicating same. Stupid Liberals...they'll just push him underground...or to a cabin in Montana...

* Speaking of underground, there was actually a story in the local paper today, about the "loss of revenue" in the State of California (some projections as high as $10 billion) due to the underground economy. Duh, ya think?

* Yes, I posted it on Facebook..straight out of the Washington's story that despite the (stupid) public believing the president can do something about gas prices, "oil experts" say that isn't so...

* Hmm, I wonder if those are the same "experts" who wrote the 97 "anti-stories" back in '08, compared with just 21 during the same period today...that is, when gas prices skyrocketed...

* So, let me get this straight...the Creep-ublicans want to "stop" Obamacare...after we've all been paying for it since he signed it...and the only way we get to see if it works, is if we re-elect him and the individual mandate starts in, who said the Duh-mocrats are dumb?

* The Creeep-ublicans are complaining that Duh-mocrats are changing the debate from the president mandating what health care services are provided by employers with religious affiliations into one about womens rights...too bad, you made your, I mean, her bed, now lie in it...

* The US Justice Department says, "a photo ID requirement in Texas could disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of registered hispanics." What??? How about, instead of belittling entire races of people, PROVIDE them with phote ID's?

* Today is another primary see who will lose to President Obama in November. Man, they sure are spending a lot of money to finish in second place...not real smart...

* Anyway, how smart would a candidate have to complain non-stop about how the country's going to hell-in-a-handbasket...and then want to be the next George W. Bush...and take blame for all your predecessor's policies...and your predecessor's predecessors'...huh? What?

Friday, March 9, 2012

Er, what I mean is...

"Oh, so that's it, huh? You're nothing but a right wing extremist! You're just another blogger who hates Obama and doesn't care about the country." Jack, you could NOT be more wrong!

Admittedly, my agreement with and posting of Marco Rubio's speech in my last post could potentially lead someone to erroneously believe I might feel that way, but they (YOU) are wrong. Number 1, I don't think I'm smart enough to know what is best for the entire country...and Number 2, simply because I express what I "BELIEVE" may happen to the country and "KNOW" what will happen to my particular situation...well, readers should not confuse the two.

"What the hell are you saying? Once again, you're making no sense whatsoever!!!" Oh Jack, how I DO miss that high pitched, whiny, nasal's not the same when you just yell for the sake of yelling. But let me explain, ONCE AGAIN, so even YOU can understand. This blog was NEVER created to champion ANY cause or movement. Likewise, we have NEVER tried to change any one's mind, regarding ideology or viewpoint (hey, we just may have succeeded in the latter; i.e. to change any one's mind). What we HAVE tried to do, is take the media to task for their (at times) blatant hypocrisy and their (increasing) need to formulate the news rather than report it.

After posting the Rubio clip, it's easy to see how someone could make the mistake. When I said, "the only chance we have," is if Marco Rubio becomes the next Vice President of the United States, well, I didn't mean the country goes up in flames should the president be re-elected. Quite the contrary, I believe a change WILL occur should Sen. Rubio be the next veep. On the other hand, if our country decides to continue its direction, I believe change (hope) will NOT be part of the "future vernacular." I know FOR ME it won't. Basically, I see Barack Obama easily winning re-election. Here's why...

I believe the GOP (opposition party) is thankfully much more full of conservative people, simply interested in individual liberty and individual achievement than far right ideologues who hate for the sake of hating. The apparent (some would say) obvious implosion of the 2012 GOP candidates bodes well for that argument. In other words...

...most of us can see that fundamental change does not occur at the same rate as extraneous change...and the "change" we were promised has been of an extraneous nature, that's for sure. To me, it appears these "changes" are going to create, shall we say, havoc in one of two ways...YET to be decided. It also appears (to me) if the havoc turns out to be negative (re: what happened to Bush after being "selected" back in 2000) you really want to be at the helm when there is a recurrence? Hence, the implosion...remember, the change is still extraneous and not even close to "fundamental" at this stage...

"What a bunch of horse hockey!! You continue to make zero sense!!!" Jack, what part of "change" do you fail to understand? The 2008 elections were about hope and change. We got change, albeit extraneous you want to continue on this path and someday achieve a level of fundamental change? It's really just that, I mean, difficult...

Thursday, March 1, 2012

A look back...challenges ahead...

I have attached a link to this is a long piece, about 14 is WELL WORTH the time to view. This is Florida Senator Marco Rubio's recent address to the US Senate about the challenges our nation faces heading into 2012.

What sort of country do you (we) want? As Senator Rubio says, do you want to be a nation of "haves" and "soon to haves," as has been our rallying cry for the last 200-plus years...or a nation of "haves" and "have nots," clearly outlined, defined and illustrated (further) by a meddlesome federal government? The choice, especially this November, is clear!!!

No, this is NOT partisan sniping. This is not, "ooh, we're afraid to go with you Bluto (or Mitt). We might get in trouble!" We don't want the burden of responsibility for ourselves and our families. Well, as the late great John Blutarsky of "Animal House" fame said, "WELL KISS MY (BLEEP) FROM NOW ON! NOT ME! I'M NOT GOING TO TAKE THIS!" Yes, I WANT the responsibility of taking care of ME and MY FAMILY!!!

Listen to the speech...and then you want a country, flawed though it may be, of "haves" and "soon-to-haves" or a country of "haves" and "have nots?" Unfortunately it may have already been decided for you...but there is still hope (and change)...however only if Marco Rubio is nominated for and subsequently becomes our next Vice President in 2012...weird, huh? Yeah...

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