Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Rainy Days and Tuesdays

* Yes, it's raining (again), in the drought stricken state of California...and will be for the next 5-7 days. Bummer, now the Media will have to come up with more phony excuses to prolong the drought...

* Good News! Rush Limbaugh will soon be off the air...well, at least the blogosphere is full of stories indicating same. Stupid Liberals...they'll just push him underground...or to a cabin in Montana...

* Speaking of underground, there was actually a story in the local paper today, about the "loss of revenue" in the State of California (some projections as high as $10 billion) due to the underground economy. Duh, ya think?

* Yes, I posted it on Facebook..straight out of the Washington Post...today's story that despite the (stupid) public believing the president can do something about gas prices, "oil experts" say that isn't so...

* Hmm, I wonder if those are the same "experts" who wrote the 97 "anti-stories" back in '08, compared with just 21 during the same period today...that is, when gas prices skyrocketed...

* So, let me get this straight...the Creep-ublicans want to "stop" Obamacare...after we've all been paying for it since he signed it...and the only way we get to see if it works, is if we re-elect him and the individual mandate starts in 2014...wow, who said the Duh-mocrats are dumb?

* The Creeep-ublicans are complaining that Duh-mocrats are changing the debate from the president mandating what health care services are provided by employers with religious affiliations into one about womens rights...too bad, you made your, I mean, her bed, now lie in it...

* The US Justice Department says, "a photo ID requirement in Texas could disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of registered hispanics." What??? How about, instead of belittling entire races of people, PROVIDE them with phote ID's?

* Today is another primary day...to see who will lose to President Obama in November. Man, they sure are spending a lot of money to finish in second place...not real smart...

* Anyway, how smart would a candidate have to be...to complain non-stop about how the country's going to hell-in-a-handbasket...and then want to be the next George W. Bush...and take blame for all your predecessor's policies...and your predecessor's predecessors'...huh? What?

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