Saturday, February 27, 2010

Bullet-boy strikes again!!!

Rather than wax-poetic about the Health Care Summit this past week, I've decided to lighten the mood and offer my insight to "airings-of-late" in media today...

* What part of the word "any" does Subway (the sandwich chain) not understand? The five-dollar footlong jingle, followed by insipid echoing of "any, any, any." So, $5 for any sub? Well, yes, (except for quietly adding, "premium subs excluded,"). Say what?!?

* But THEY are not the worst...what's the deal with Head and Shoulders shampoo? Their latest commercial could NOT be a bigger insult to ANY consumer. During the ad, the Head and Shoulders' spokesperson says (loudly) that shampooing with Head and Shoulders "guarantees (you) cleaner, fuller hair"...then adds (quietly) "compared to unwashed hair." Oh really...

* USA Today, has a decent "puzzles" half page in every know, like Sodoku, the Crossword...a game called Quick Cross and "Up & Down Words"...well, in one game, the clue referred to 60's cartoon icon George Jetson's wife's name (Jane)...they erroneously listed it as "Judy," and Judy is, in fact, the know, "his son, Elroy...daughter Judy..." oh well...

* Tiger Woods lost another sponsor...this time,'s a big one...and then I saw the other day, that Tiger is "back in rehab," but not for sex addiction...rather for addiction to Vicodin and Ambien...oh, and there's no truth to the rumor the facility also specializes in treatment for dependence on HGH...

* It's time for political commercials to flood our airwaves...move over print media. It looks like you'll have competition for your anti-Meg Whitman ads (CA governor's race)...I even heard one commercial bashing her (she may or may not deserve it)...but the (quiet) tag line was "this ad is not paid for by any particular candidate or party." Again...SAY WHAT??!!??

* Speaking of political ads, there is absolutely no truth to the rumor that MSNBC anchor Chris Matthews is going to be the new spokesperson for a brand of Atropine sulfate tablets (anti-drooling medication)...however, staffers have been ordered to remove all photos of President Obama from the set...

* ...and last but not least, I still miss the AT&T rollover minutes mom...

Friday, February 19, 2010

Forget "Decade," let's go for "Era" of Responsibility

If y'all haven't figured it out by now, I'm an "individual responsibility" protagonist, to say the least. Certainly, there's room for collective responsibility, but for a society to be "free," the individual "mandate" should take precedence. I've written several posts, calling for a more bifurcated style of governance--one line for the "responsible," and one for the "irresponsible." I've more recently called for a "Decade of Responsibility," (and we're definitely off to a shaky start). However, strike that...because NOW we need to strive for a new "Era of Responsibility."

First, we have the tragic case of Joe Stack, the "whack job" who flew an airplane into an Austin, Texas-based IRS center because of what could be described as a paranoid schizophrenic Alice in Wonderland. The idiot flew a single engine, fixed-wing Piper PA-28-236 aircraft (registered to HIM, by the way) into a crowded office building (around 10:00 a.m. on a Thursday!!)...despite reports by those who knew him that, "he was just trying to hit the IRS, not people," well, that obviously rings hollow because the bastard KNEW the place would be full of employees. His "manifesto" said much the same (i.e. "nothing changes unless there is a body count").

That's right...manifesto...and yes, I read the "manifesto," which was sent to me by a concerned reader. I guess my rantings have given some cause for concern...but, I don't think so...Stack, and those of his ilk, are the antithesis of all that I believe (in). I DID read his verbiage...the rambling, nonsensical language was lunacy at best and irresponsibility to the core...he blamed EVERYONE but himself. Multiple times during the "story," he mentioned "my retirement," or "my retirement plans back to zero." He didn't mentioned his assets...obviously an airplane (along with flying lessons, etc) or his musical career (apparently he was an amateur guitarist)...and he barely touched upon his marriages, properties, divorce settlements, etc. He "decided" not to file taxes one year because he had no quote-unquote income. Is he naive, stupid, or narcissistic? I opt for the latter.

Let's contrast that with another current national story...Tiger Woods. Now, I'm not a huge Tiger Woods fan. I'm from the Tom Watson school (Watson has called Woods on his past "disrespect" for the game by swearing, throwing clubs, acting "off-putting" toward fans, etc) and while I appreciate Tiger's skills and abilities, I'm not like the "hero worshippers" in the media who collectively turned their backs on his indiscretions (and we all know what those "indiscretions" included). As I've commented previously, Woods could be golf's own "Mark McGuire/Sammy Sosa," in that the media has apparently been willing to "turn a blind eye," to Woods' behavior, including boorishness, infidelity and yes, as not to quash the game's new found prominence.

That being said, I listened to Tiger's "manifesto," this morning...and not once, NOT ONCE, did he blame anyone other than himself for what he and his family are currently experiencing. THAT, my friends, is a breath of fresh air...and while I found myself watching "less" golf when Tiger played (in the past), I will now increase my efforts substantially to follow his game and progress. Previously, I was put off by his dominance, well, not so much his dominance, but his ability to intimidate other golfers. I used to think, oh my God, if you're a PROFESSIONAL golfer, wouldn't you DEDICATE yourself to beating him? However, it appeared many would raise the white flag just "hearing" that Tiger was in the field. Oh well...

Bifurcate this! Which path are you going to take...a manifesto by a spoiled, pampered narcissist, looking to blame everyone and everything but yourself...or a staid, forthright, and earnest verbal statement by a celebrity athlete, perhaps equally narcissistic, who without question takes responsibility for problems of his own making? I know which way I'm going.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Racism, thy name is "Tea Party"

Yes! Once again, I have been vindicated. MSNBC's Keith Olbermann confirmed it...that is, the "Tea Party" movement is based on fear due to racism...NOT due to a liberal agenda (i.e. higher taxes, bigger and unresponsive government). Nope, according to Olbermann, it IS racism, pure and simple...thanks Keith...

Yours truly, however, was the first to note that one "couldn't be seen," at a Tea Party sponsored event without earning the label of "racist." And now, Olbermann has given credence to my point of view. Yes, I was the one who warned Fox News to STAY AWAY from the Tea Party events, EXCEPT as an impartial observer. Did they listen? No...and now look at 'em...

I was the one who first mentioned the glaring (or rather, the 'blinding") similarities of all the folks attending the Tea Party rallies. Oh sure, Chris Matthews, and other commentators made mention of it; however, they did it to mock rivals at Fox, whereas I was offering constructive advice...advice that the movement should "open their arms, tents, wallets, whatever," in order to diversify their membership. But did THEY listen? No...and now look at 'em...

Oh sure, they remain their own demographic...but are INSTANTLY marginalized, even vilified in everyday America...and that's a shame. Like I've written previously, I can agree with their, RESPONSIBLE government...that is a good thing...but NOT with the way the message has been delivered. When you rip liberals, you KNOW your going to be immediately discounted...

The tea party folks should "make it clear, spell it out, say it again AND again," that you DO NOT begrudge helping people...and YES, say it...again and AGAIN...that you want to help the poor, the disenfranchised, those who have been harmed or held back by both the left AND the right side of our government. Again, why? Why do you need to keep hammering this point home?

Well, Olbermann's rant explains it're racist! If you listen to Rush Limbaugh, or watch Bill O'Reilly, or have EVER voted Republican, you are racist. If you believe in lower taxes, even as a (simple) pervasive are racist. If you believe in personal responsibility (over collective responsibility), you are racist. You can't help it.

HOWEVER, if you listen to NPR, watch MSNBC, disavow traitors like Ward Connerly, Walter Williams, and Clarence Thomas...well, you're still a racist, but you're Keith Olbermann's kind of racist. Wait a minute...Keith Olbermann? But, HE'S a racist too. Hey Keith, herbal tea okay for you?

Coming Soon: My new book, "Keith Olbermann is a big, fat, Groucho Marx-looking idiot."

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

It's gotta be tough being Jon Stewart...

Now, I must admit...when Jon Stewart first replaced Craig Kilborn on The Daily Show back in 1999, I wanted to hate him. I mean, the Craig-ster was my guy...Kilborn left ESPN (a Sports Center gig...yes, my dream job, but that's another story) and he was the first host of The Daily Show on Comedy Central back in 1996. When he left, I swore that I was done with The Daily Show. I mean, Jon Stewart? Comedian? MTV reject? Puh-leeze!

But, I admit it...I was wrong. Stewart's show didn't miss a beat. As a matter of fact, he has surpassed Kilborn's show in both audience AND relevance. Yes, I've previously mentioned his softball skewering of lefties while at the same time almost bashing the skulls of folks on the right with whom he might disagree. But overall, it appeared to be in the name of comedy...and I'm all for that.

Stewart, himself a avowed liberal, soon became a hero of all things left...from UC Berkeley to Boston College...from NPR to Talk Radio...his show became the ultimate combination of Weekend Update (from Saturday Night Live), National Lampoon, and the CBS Evening News. He became the perfect antidote for self-important talking heads and political hacks. When Stewart found himself being mentioned in the same breath with those he parodied, he was able to deflect it all with a "fake news" wink.

But alas, Stewart is now facing a "liberal conundrum." Sarah Palin...that's right, THAT Sarah Palin...Stewart (and frankly, most political "satirists") love to skewer the one-time (and extremely failed) Vice Presidential candidate. The media and late night comedians have continued to hammer the former Alaskan governor. That's both good AND bad for Stewart. On the one hand, this is good's tailor made for comedy. On the other...

Should Stewart continue the Palin bashing (it's just so easy), risking overexposure and quite possibly the nation turning from her to a more solid Republican candidate...a candidate who might be able to send his own President packing? Or does he back off...sort of...hoping that she'll be able to "hoodwink" enough Republicans into being their 2012 "Stepford candidate," or better still, split the vote by going "Tea Party." What to do?

Yep, it's tough being Jon Stewart...well, if tough is making $14 million a year and living in a $5.8 million penthouse in downtown Manhattan...

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Why bother...

Not why bother? But, simply, why bother...I have heard a lot recently (i.e. "why do you 'have to' give your opinion?" or "nobody wants to know what you think," and "why don't you try 'listening' once in awhile rather than talk all the time") and it DOES make me sad...that so many people don't care or at least feign indifference...why bother? Here's why:

* Did you know that last year here in California, the state legislature passed (and the governor signed) a law which changed custody credits (good time credits for "local" convicts) from 1/3 to 1/ other words a one year sentence is now 6 months rather than 8 months...

* Did you know that the "government" (i.e. Obama administration) halted the ingress of injured Haitians to U.S. hospitals because they didn't want to overburden South Florida hospitals at the same time the NFL was holding their annual Super Bowl (there)? And here I thought it was Bush who hated black people...

* Did you know that during my recent monitoring of the tripe offered by MSNBC (yes, as equally abhorrent as the crap on Fox), I heard the talking heads use verbiage which included 'words" like, "extractalatable," effectatious," and "incentivize." Which one is an actual word?

* I hear commentators bemoan exorbitant player salaries in professional sports...much of it deserved...HOWEVER, when "sports" comes across a 'vastly' underpaid player (2-time Cy Young winner Tim Lincecum of the SF Giants) who NEVER whined even once about his previous low pay, well, ne'er a word was mentioned...but then, he might've been stoned...

* I have no horse in this race...but what gives with the government (motors) going "on and on," about the Toyota recall efforts...sounds to me like Toyota is trying to do the right thing...but then again, I guess the "government" (motors) DOES have a stake in the

* The Christmas bomber, they say, is talking once again...and NOW providing (some) critical information...according to Spokesperson Monty Hall, defendant Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab advised that al Qaeda operatives were preparing to attack during New Year's celebrations, but changed their minds...

* Word is the National "Tea Party" Convention starts today in Nashville...hmm, wonder how long it'll be before Chris Matthews (or another MSNBC'er) makes a "comment" about "all the white people." If the folks at Fox have any brains, they'll steer clear...but with their new talking head, Sarah Palin, slated as keynote speaker, oops, too late...Fair and Balanced, my ass...

* Much has been made, of late, regarding White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel's use of the term "f-ing retard." Now, aside from the fact that he uttered this LAST AUGUST, the disingenuous indignation coming from right wing whackos (Rush Limbaugh, et al) is only superseded by equally inane pseudo-outrage pointed back at the right by left wing loonies...

* Yep, that last entry solidifies it..."why bother," might just be the way to go...late...

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