Saturday, February 27, 2010

Bullet-boy strikes again!!!

Rather than wax-poetic about the Health Care Summit this past week, I've decided to lighten the mood and offer my insight to "airings-of-late" in media today...

* What part of the word "any" does Subway (the sandwich chain) not understand? The five-dollar footlong jingle, followed by insipid echoing of "any, any, any." So, $5 for any sub? Well, yes, (except for quietly adding, "premium subs excluded,"). Say what?!?

* But THEY are not the worst...what's the deal with Head and Shoulders shampoo? Their latest commercial could NOT be a bigger insult to ANY consumer. During the ad, the Head and Shoulders' spokesperson says (loudly) that shampooing with Head and Shoulders "guarantees (you) cleaner, fuller hair"...then adds (quietly) "compared to unwashed hair." Oh really...

* USA Today, has a decent "puzzles" half page in every know, like Sodoku, the Crossword...a game called Quick Cross and "Up & Down Words"...well, in one game, the clue referred to 60's cartoon icon George Jetson's wife's name (Jane)...they erroneously listed it as "Judy," and Judy is, in fact, the know, "his son, Elroy...daughter Judy..." oh well...

* Tiger Woods lost another sponsor...this time,'s a big one...and then I saw the other day, that Tiger is "back in rehab," but not for sex addiction...rather for addiction to Vicodin and Ambien...oh, and there's no truth to the rumor the facility also specializes in treatment for dependence on HGH...

* It's time for political commercials to flood our airwaves...move over print media. It looks like you'll have competition for your anti-Meg Whitman ads (CA governor's race)...I even heard one commercial bashing her (she may or may not deserve it)...but the (quiet) tag line was "this ad is not paid for by any particular candidate or party." Again...SAY WHAT??!!??

* Speaking of political ads, there is absolutely no truth to the rumor that MSNBC anchor Chris Matthews is going to be the new spokesperson for a brand of Atropine sulfate tablets (anti-drooling medication)...however, staffers have been ordered to remove all photos of President Obama from the set...

* ...and last but not least, I still miss the AT&T rollover minutes mom...

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