Thursday, February 4, 2010

Why bother...

Not why bother? But, simply, why bother...I have heard a lot recently (i.e. "why do you 'have to' give your opinion?" or "nobody wants to know what you think," and "why don't you try 'listening' once in awhile rather than talk all the time") and it DOES make me sad...that so many people don't care or at least feign indifference...why bother? Here's why:

* Did you know that last year here in California, the state legislature passed (and the governor signed) a law which changed custody credits (good time credits for "local" convicts) from 1/3 to 1/ other words a one year sentence is now 6 months rather than 8 months...

* Did you know that the "government" (i.e. Obama administration) halted the ingress of injured Haitians to U.S. hospitals because they didn't want to overburden South Florida hospitals at the same time the NFL was holding their annual Super Bowl (there)? And here I thought it was Bush who hated black people...

* Did you know that during my recent monitoring of the tripe offered by MSNBC (yes, as equally abhorrent as the crap on Fox), I heard the talking heads use verbiage which included 'words" like, "extractalatable," effectatious," and "incentivize." Which one is an actual word?

* I hear commentators bemoan exorbitant player salaries in professional sports...much of it deserved...HOWEVER, when "sports" comes across a 'vastly' underpaid player (2-time Cy Young winner Tim Lincecum of the SF Giants) who NEVER whined even once about his previous low pay, well, ne'er a word was mentioned...but then, he might've been stoned...

* I have no horse in this race...but what gives with the government (motors) going "on and on," about the Toyota recall efforts...sounds to me like Toyota is trying to do the right thing...but then again, I guess the "government" (motors) DOES have a stake in the

* The Christmas bomber, they say, is talking once again...and NOW providing (some) critical information...according to Spokesperson Monty Hall, defendant Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab advised that al Qaeda operatives were preparing to attack during New Year's celebrations, but changed their minds...

* Word is the National "Tea Party" Convention starts today in Nashville...hmm, wonder how long it'll be before Chris Matthews (or another MSNBC'er) makes a "comment" about "all the white people." If the folks at Fox have any brains, they'll steer clear...but with their new talking head, Sarah Palin, slated as keynote speaker, oops, too late...Fair and Balanced, my ass...

* Much has been made, of late, regarding White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel's use of the term "f-ing retard." Now, aside from the fact that he uttered this LAST AUGUST, the disingenuous indignation coming from right wing whackos (Rush Limbaugh, et al) is only superseded by equally inane pseudo-outrage pointed back at the right by left wing loonies...

* Yep, that last entry solidifies it..."why bother," might just be the way to go...late...

Keep it up, you make me laugh!
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