Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Maybe never?

This week, we were going to attempt a more upbeat post and articulate our position that everything will be fine...eeeeee-ventually. However, after the less-than-earnest State of the Union address last Tuesday evening, and the resulting (idiotic) responses from the GOP, well, let's just say we are less than optimistic. Certainly, we've been left with more questions than answers. When will we even acknowledge the questions, let alone seek the answers? Maybe never?

One very large question is, how can two points of view regarding one subject (the economy) be so diametrically opposed. Listening to the president, we have turned the corner and all economic indicators are trending upward...conversely, the GOP (response and later commentary) says we have little for which to be hopeful. Of course, it's somewhere in between and we here at MediaCopp try to lean toward the positive, but this week, it's difficult...

How are we going to make (any of) this work? Even on education? We the people don't agree that Community College for all is a right and hell, we can't even agree that it's a good thing. I WAS hoping we'd be able to start there--that it could indeed be a good thing--but the president, as is his right, went straight for the "rights" argument. Of course, he can't be blamed...the Republicans hear any type of proposal from the president and immediately say "no."

So, let me be the arbiter? Let's agree that college is a good thing. Okay? Now, let's also agree that everyone who wants to go to college should be allowed to go to college. Still with me? All right. Next, can we stipulate the poor should be allowed to attend college for free, if they fulfill ALL the requirements? Oops, so we've got a few "Negative Nellie's" out there? Well then, what would it take to get you on board...NOT that we need to do anything since poor people already get free college. A buy-in of some sort? I mean, besides showing up. Mr. President? How 'bout it? Good...

Now, let's move toward the "free college for all" portion of today's game. What would it take for you, Mr. Republican, to agree to this...and how we pay for it? Oh, you don't want to tax the rich, because you say it will trickle down to the middle class...and you also don't want to add to the National Debt to accomplish this. All right then, how about another buy-in, this time a public/private partnership with folks who sign up under the middle class section of the program also commit to employment in the sector to repay the middle class enrollee's "sponsor?" Sound good? Good...

Now isn't that better than being the party of "no?" Or being an out-of-touch, fuzzy math President? What do you mean, "when Hell freezes over?"

Monday, January 19, 2015

State of the...

This week, President Obama will give his State of the Union (SOTU) address...and many believe he has a lot for which to be proud. He has been able to accomplish much of his agenda despite the Democrat Party only holding full legislative control for the first two years of his presidency. The GOP was able to thwart action on many pressing national issues, like immigration, tax reform, and minimum wage, but he was still able to get the Affordable Care Act (ACA) passed which altered the national landscape and many say will be his signature achievement...

"What the hell are you talking about? He's done nothing...we're still fighting overseas, wages remain depressed, he hasn't even closed Guantanamo like he promised." that you? I guess I should introduce you...Norm is another one of my alter egos, a progressive living in Davis, CA, who works for the University (and yes, he drives a Prius). Thanks for chiming in...but you know a transformation doesn't occur overnight. You should pay attention to what he has to say Tuesday night and I think you will be pleasantly surprised.

Much of his big ticket items have already been leaked and there has been grumbling from the GOP. As I explained last week, it will be useless to oppose the "Free Community College for all," plan.  One only need look at the last six years to see the futility of such a tact.  For instance, the "party of no," will immediately say we can't afford the program all the while allotting another increase to the Pentagon for more overseas adventures...and the media will take note...and attack...

A better approach would be to agree that everyone willing to put in the time and effort deserves a chance...this also goes for the other items on the president's agenda, including paid family leave, mandatory sick leave for "workers," and low interest loans for the poor and others who might not be able to qualify for a conventional mortgage.

"I am nothing if not a fair-minded liberal, but didn't we already do that...I mean, the home loans for the poor? Didn't that lead to the 07-08 meltdown?" Remember, Norm, that was the banks' fault...and big business, you know, Bush's recession...the government was not involved in the slightest, except for when the GOP deregulated the industry, causing the entire economy to collapse. We have a much better leadership team this time and won't let the Republicans get their evil talons on any part of this...the president has his veto pen and he will not hesitate to use it. This time, he is even proposing tax hikes for the insure there won't be another collapse...

So, there you have it...the president will provide the answers Tuesday evening. Don't worry...even if he can't get a majority to see the vast improvement these policies will have on all Americans, it will at least get the discussion started...after all, Rome wasn't built in a day. Have no fear, this national transformation will eventually come to fruition...yes, eeeeee-ventually...

To be continued...

Monday, January 12, 2015

Are we not men?

No, not being a "misogynist,"...when I use the term "men," I mean it in the generic in grown human know? Now that's cleared up, let's continue...when I spoke of helping you (us) find better ways to navigate through the Obama, I mean, recovery, I began thinking about something my then teenage son once told me when I asked why he couldn't or wouldn't do something...he said, "it's not going to be good enough for you, so why should I even try?" I always thought that was kind of a lame excuse, but I see this same mindset among many of us today.

Yes, the media embraces and enhances much of this mindset...but it starts with leadership. The narrative could easily be contradicted by offering clear, concise AND documented alternatives or improvements to the present administration's policies. Many say we have, but it is usually reported only on Fox News and no where, if they or any of us want to be seen as something more than my teenage son, we need to sound off...trumpet clear concise alternatives from the highest EVERY policy introduced by the president...AND most of all, stop simply saying no...because doing that, we leave definition of the narrative up to the media, who are after all, only a wing of the Democrat Party.

Let's start with the "free community college for all" announcement by the president. The response right away was, "how are we going to pay for it," and "it's just another liberal entitlement program that does nothing to help the middle class." In other words, to our media, it's anti-Obama or just plain racist. Here's a better response..."what a great idea! We are rewarding Dreamers with free college so let's also help the struggling middle class." Then, use the president's own words to "fine tune" this proposal so it's not just another giveaway program...we agree that "everyone gets a fair shot and everyone does their fair share and everyone plays by the same set of rules." what needs to happen...whether we're talking about free community college...or creating jobs for the middle class...or even fighting global what if he refuses to call it Islamic extremism. Wouldn't you rather do SOMETHING to answer the terrorists...than complain about the president's symbolic reaction to terror? Do you want to "be a man," and work hard(er)...or a boy who won't even try because the media says it won't be enough?

Monday, January 5, 2015

All right, we're back...

It's been awhile...but I'm back...just like the Aaron Rodgers' State Farm commercial with Hans and know, some bits are just so good, they keep coming back. You know who else is back? Barack Obama! That's right, he's back...and at the top of his know, the game to transform America into his vision of fairness, where "everyone gets a fair shot, and everyone does their fair share, and everyone plays by the same set of rules."

So, how's he doing? Well, he had (HAD) the lowest approval ratings in history and got his head handed to him on a platter during the midterm elections. Then, guess what happened? He ignored the results and is more popular than ever...and the country is more divided than ever...the income gap has widened significantly...the rich are becoming richer than ever...and the masses are being silenced (this time) by tumbling gas prices...

Falling gas prices? C'mon, it's more than, not really...the 80% of the public (not in the stock market) are not experiencing the fluctuations of the Obama recess, er, I mean, recovery...much like the previous decade, decade and a half, when the masses were kept fat and happy by inflated commerce numbers, swelling home prices, and easy access to cash, this time the sheep are now being distracted by fluff like low gas prices and of course, the duplicitous media description of improving economic conditions.

Don't believe me? Please look back at previous posts from this's pretty much gone according to plan. So, please...stay coming issues (Draconian term for posts), we will be offering ways, positive ways, LEGAL ways to wade through and survive the new economy. Yes, the transformation, though far from complete, is well under way...and you need to know how to deal with the changes. If, however, you are one of the people on the forefront of this movement and are happy with the direction of the country (and I KNOW there are a lot of you), this may not be the blog for you...

...and if that's the case, well, you're going to need more help than anything I (or any SNL skit) can provide...

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