Friday, May 29, 2009

One final attempt...well, maybe...

The top ten reasons why California should listen to MediaCopp in order to balance the budget...

#10 MediaCopp understands the budget is "PROJECTED" revenue, NOT "ACTUAL" revenue...

#9 MediaCopp is NOT against tax increases (my marijuana tax is a HUGE increase) other suggested taxes (and ID card, thus excusing "residents" from SOME fees) are innocuous...

#8 MediaCopp is NOT against balancing the budget on the backs of the rich, poor, AND middle long as it's fair...

#7 MediaCopp is also well aware that "ACTUAL" revenue is finite, however, "PROJECTED" revenue is not...if the pie only has so many slices, let's bake a bigger pie...

#6 MediaCopp realizes it isn't all about MediaCopp...

#5 MediaCopp understands that the "slippery slope" referred to by both sides (Dems AND GOP) are cyclical and should be ignored at budget time...

#4 MediaCopp maintains, therefore, that sin taxes, for instance on gambling, drugs and prostitution (in addition to beer, wine and tobacco) are necessary...

#3 MediaCopp knows his suggestions will be ignored by the power structure in Sactown (courtesy of the trial lawyers)...but they SHOULD be heeded...

#2 MediaCopp believes cuts MUST start at the top...what's this I hear about a (total) 14.2% pay cut for state about 5% for line workers, up to 50% for legislators, etc...hmm? And no, that's not contrary to #8...

And the number #1 reason California should listen and heed MediaCopp...

MediaCopp appears to be the ONLY one who has suggested California be "divided" into TWO parts...except the two parts to which we refer are not north and south, but RESPONSIBLE and IRRESPONSIBLE (if you are responsible and play by the rules, you get in one "line"...if you refuse, you get in a different "line")...IT'S AS SIMPLE AS THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Thank you SACRAMENTO BEE!!!!!

We here at MediaCopp believe in giving credit where credit is due. THEREFORE, good job Sacramento Bee!! Despite the wave of anti-civil servant-tude throughout the capitol region, neigh, the entire state, Measure A (the local measure which adds binding arbitration for Sacramento County probation officers and Sheriff's management)...yes, THAT Measure A...well, it PASSED....despite very little dialogue/promotion EXCEPT for the negative editorial stance of our glorious Bee...

In the exact same election where the citizens resoundingly voted "NO" on anything remotely resembling a tax increase, fee/fund shift, or borrowing, etc. or ANYTHING which could be construed as to even slightly benefit civil servants...well, they (We) STILL voted "Yes" on the measure which grants binding arbitration to my brothers and sisters in local law enforcement. HA!!!

Sure, they'll say it was the anti-management (Board of Supervisors) vote...but NO, I don't think so...I give the anti-Bee contingency far more credit...oh yes, please, PLEASE Bee keeping up the good work!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Project THIS!!!!

Here we go again...the state of California has (once again) shot itself in the foot, face, enter your choice of body part here. Yes, we are holding a "special election" on Tuesday with a list of (?) propositions which by ALL ACCOUNTS will have very little to do with solving California's mounting budget deficit...let me 'splain...

In case you hadn't heard of this insanity, what our wonderful representatives in Sacramento are proposing to the same thing they always do...stick their (political) finger in the air and vote for a program cut, tax increase, enter your choice of euphemistic revenue producer here...and then start it ("temporarily")...and then hold an election just to make sure they can't be blamed down the road. Of course, realizing that it WILL MAKE ABSOLUTELY NO DIFFERENCE HOW THE FOLKS VOTE! The only difference is that THIS TIME, they aren't even waiting until AFTER the election to let you know your vote matters not...

Projected revenue....THAT is what the government needs...PROJECTED revenue...budgets are NEVER balanced off actual revenue, but projected revenue...want more money? Project higher revenues....why do I bring this up at this late stage? Because not only do the politicians not care what you think, they are ADMITTING your vote will make NO DIFFERENCE either way. Vote No...we still have a deficit...Vote Yes...we still have a deficit...duh, what should we do?

Well, if you've been following the rantings of MediaCopp, you know the answer. Briefly, legalize (and tax the hell out of) marijuana, ALL marriage (yes, gay marriage as well) and civil unions, gambling (i.e. sports books, race books, etc.), prostitution (hey, they're called massage parlors), then institute a California (resident) ID card with specific surcharges on some items, and of course, specified luxury taxes on more than just the usual suspects (beer, wine, cigarettes, enter your choice of junk food here)...yes, there are other ways to generate "projected" revenue...I am just listing a few here...

So, the May 19th special election here in the less-than-great state of California (HEY, what's the EXTRA election costing us anyway?) NO on EVERYTHING...well, except the one which "says" it will block politician's pay raises...we ALL know THAT will NEVER happen, but if it makes you feel good to at least say you don't want them (the bureaucrats in Sacramento) to get pay raises when they fail to do their job, go ahead and vote yes on Prop 1F and no on the rest (Prop 1(A-E)...then again, you could do like most sane people and just NOT REALLY doesn't matter this time...

Friday, May 8, 2009

More Top Ten

The Top Ten Reasons there won't be a post today...

10. Because my wife said so...

9. Because my wife said so...

8. Because my wife said so....

7. Because my wife said so...

6. Because my wife said so...

5. Because my wife said so...

4. Because my wife said so...

3. Because my wife said so...

2. Because my wife said so...

And the number one reason there won't be a post today...

Well, it IS Mother's Day this weekend...have a good one...

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Top Ten

Today...the TOP TEN reasons the Republican party is becoming increasingly irrelevant...

10. Infighting among the conservatives and neo-conservatives...

9. Still feeling backlash from the elder Bush's "No New Taxes" pledge...

8. Can't decide what the term "neo-conservative" actually means...

7. Held a "tea party" for minority people...and nobody showed up...

6. Thought the term "Big Tent" meant fishing/hunting gear...

5. Even Letterman bailed...

4. Still don't feel guilty enough about Abu Ghraib...

3. Whining about the "mainstream media" starting to get old...

2. Because James Carville said so...

And the number one reason the Republican party is becoming increasingly irrelevant...

Obama, Obama, Obama

Friday, May 1, 2009

I have many Souters...

As if our new president doesn't have enough on his plate after barely 100 days in office, now comes word of the impending retirement of Supreme Court Justice David Souter. The (now) 69 year old Souter was a 1990 appointee of George H.W. Bush, and a replacement for the liberal former justice William Brennan. The elder Bush, seeking to appease all and I think (also) attempting to lend an air of fairness to the process, didn't nominate a far right wing ideologue, like for instance, Robert Bork. Rather, he sought to bring the Court to the center and nominated a moderate, a liberal moderate at that...let's see which way Obama leans...

The media has gone hog wild, pardon the pun, with this whole swine flu madness. I'm sorry, but don't we have flu outbreaks every year? It's almost as if the national media has taken a page from the local "morning zoo-type" news shows. Like when it's a slow news day and they have "live team coverage" of breaking news at a three car pile-up on the interstate. Now the flu has even gone partisan...left wing news sources are maintaining that the virus started in Southern Cal way before the Mexican outbreak (another apology, President Obama?)...then at the same time, right wing whacko radio hosts are calling for border closings (what else is new?) to limit further transmission...yeah, like that would help...

Are we still in Obama's corner? Sure, we like him...but are we getting tired of "things getting worse" with every White House proposal (i.e. bailout), Chrysler is declaring bankruptcy. Excuse me, wasn't that what myself and many others were saying should happen. Well, yes it was...but the "restructuring" I was speaking about (also) involved ripping up UAW contracts. I'm afraid this Obama/Fiat-backed program only prolongs the inevitable...

Page Four...the inevitable...I remember when I was still working, hearing people (co-workers, superiors, etc.) bemoaning and begrudging everything Bush related. I found myself echoing their sentiments, though it was mostly because my portfolio (what there is/was of it) was shrinking every day. But NOW, I've started bemoaning and begrudging on my own...because it appears things are getting worse...and not just worse because of the natural course of events...worse because of what the government (and Obama) has been doing...oh God, does that make me a right wing whacko?

Lastly, I would be remiss if I didn't make mention of the sham they presented as a presidential press conference the other night. Oh my God...13 questions...pre-arranged...little to no follow-up...come on, even extremely left leaning folks had to be put off by "scripted" nature of the proceedings. I'm sorry. I like Barack Obama...but for heaven sakes, USE the teleprompter. It was sad and "almost Bush-like" watching him stutter and stammer his way through the stage show...and no, I wasn't enchanted.

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