Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Another Rant, Another Tuesday...

Once again, one of my rants found it's way to the pages of our local newspaper, the Sacramento Bee. Yes, I know I've in the past referred to our daily as a "rag," or as the Scab-ramento Bee, all in fun of course. But, I love newspapers. I grew up delivering newspapers. I wrote and edited on the staffs of school newspapers. I did sports reporting for a number of local newspapers. But then it all went horribly, horribly wrong. I subsequently majored in and received a Bachelor's Degree in Journalism. Wrong, you say? Well, not "wrong," so much as "just not right."
Here's what I wrote:
Re: "Report: Deputy under attack shoots man," Crime Reports, page B2 (January 16):
Really? Page B2? A Sheriff's Deputy in the thriving metropolis known as Sacramento, CA, shoots a "suspect," not once but twice after the suspect violently resists. There is a chase and a scuffle ensues, with the deputy firing his weapon wounding the suspect and most probably saving his own life...just another day in paradise, right?
Why is this not front page news? Oh sure, tougher welfare laws and (mayor) Kevin Johnson again seeking "strong mayor" status (ooh, and don't forget the Golden Globes) are all well and good, but come on! A Sheriff's Deputy has to shoot a citizen because he's under attack (in a disgusting sewer to boot) by a person with obviously no respect for the law...and THAT'S just another "crime report?"
Priorities people!! While the media is focused on which Republican candidate made the biggest gaff that particular day, the public is becoming increasingly restless. You know, it's just a matter of time before...well, let's just say the calm before the storm (drain) may be waning...
Now, the Bee's version:
Re: "Report: Deputy under attack shoots man" (Page B2 Jan. 16): A Sacramento County sheriff's deputy shot a suspect, not once but twice, after the suspect fled. There was a chase and a scuffle ensued, with the deputy firing his weapon, wounding the suspect and most probably saving his own life.
Why was this not front-page news? Sure, tougher welfare rules and Mayor Kevin Johnson seeking strong mayor status, and don't forget the Golden Globes, are well and good. But a member of our Sheriff's Department has to shoot a citizen because the officer is under attack, in a disgusting sewer, and that's just another crime report.
Priorities, people.
...and there you have it...not to mention they will NOT publish my pen name, MediaCopp...but that's another story. Alas, it (editing) did not change the intent...much...but if homogenized prose is what you desire, well, the choice is clear...rant over...

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