Friday, August 27, 2010

Good Bad Good News...

My topic this week is, of course, the fall elections. I've already attempted to put your mind at ease; i.e. that all should be well (soon) in that the Republicreeps won't be making any significant gains in either house of congress. Yes, I have MORE good news...the master prognosticator (NOT!), he of the former Clinton war machine and (now) talking head on the Fox News channel, none other than Dick Morris, has predicted that the GOP will take over BOTH houses of congress after elections this fall. Whew!

Yes, I feel much better...not just because I have already predicted the opposite (i.e. that we Americans aren't quite tired of the stimulus just yet); that GOP gains will be minimal (if any), but also because President Clinton's former political advisor is wrong on just about every prediction he's made while profering his wares. I remember querying once whether he or (the eye of) Newt Gingrich was wrong more often. It's all good though...because they're both wrong a lot...

However, it's not all good news. I read Charles Krauthammer's newspaper column this morning. Krauthammer is a conservative pundit and psychiatrist (former Chief Resident of Massachusetts General Hospital). Krauthammer is part of the Washington Post Writers Group and has even won a Pulitzer Prize for commentary. Interesting to note, during his earlier writing career, the (now) conservative thinking Krauthammer was a speech writer for a liberal politician, Walter Mondale. But that's not the bad news...

The bad news is...that Krauthammer has also predicted a GOP takeover of both houses of congress, subsequent to the November elections. What?! Krauthammer's a smart guy. What's the deal? Rest easy, folks...the good doctor should be forgiven since he's on the right side of so many issues. However, he's not perfect...unlike many in the media who believe they are...ehem, Glenn? Keith? Are you listening?

Krauthammer's column erroneously travels into the land of public opinion, as if "public opinion" can never be wrong. He draws the parallel of congressional GOP takeover with his mistaken perception of the public view that the expansion of big government is bad (conversely, we still love freebies), or that illegal immigration is always wrong (we still love cheap labor), or that gay marriage is an abomination (even though it WILL be the law of the land...very soon), and that the people are against the "mosque" at Ground Zero (religious freedom will win out). Further, Fox pundit Bill O'Reilly has guaranteed the mosque won't be built, thus ensuring that it will...

Therefore, have no fear...if these pundits stay true to their records (and I'll give Krauthammer a pass on this one), we should have two more years to allow the Obama agenda to kick in...or to fail if that is your view. One thing is certain...if he loses his majorities in congress, he'll have cover in two (important) ways...for everything that might go wrong (those obstructionist Republicreeps) AND for everything that might go right (I'm so good, I succeed DESPITE the GOP). Good luck to us all...

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