Friday, March 5, 2010

Responsibility (or lack thereof) IS the word...

Once again...ONCE one is saying it...regarding the Health Care bill meandering its way through the White House, Blair House, both houses of one is saying it, SO I WILL...the bill will only benefit the irresponsible...people, entities, consumers, et al. What?!?! That's right...the winners will NOT be the "responsible" people...people who I believe SHOULD be the beneficiaries of any type of reform...and that's a shame...

And really, there is not much of a difference between the status quo and any kind of reform, as fronted by either the Dems or the Reeps. Sure, the GOP has their own "incremental-ism" i.e. health care reform enacted one step at a time...and the Dems have their so-called nuclear options (pronounced nuke-u-lar...if you're Jimmy or "W") whereby we throw an "s" load of money at the wall (money we don't have, by the way), using budgetary trickery in order to make it "look" doable. Nope, there is really not much difference, EXCEPT responsible people WILL suffer under the reform being fronted by present day politicos...

Both parties say, if only for posturing purposes, that the status quo is unacceptable. They are wrong...and I'll say it...because NO ONE, NO ONE else is...the status quo is, IS preferable to what is now being that under the current system, RESPONSIBLE people aren't "mandated" to take a "back seat" to the IRRESPONSIBLE. Wait...don't label me racist, or elitist, or a hater...I NEVER SAID the irresponsible should not be helped. They should be. HOWEVER, they should NOT be assisted with ANY SORT OF PREFERENCE (legislative preference) over those who ARE responsible.

What do I mean? Well, certainly...responsible people can and do suffer at times under the status quo. People get sick...lose their jobs...have their coverages cut and/or denied...YES, at times, the current system can be very unfair. But why, WHY do we want to "legislate" MORE unfairness? And that is what health care reform, as presented by the two major parties, is unfortunately designed to do...

Whether you "blanket" cover ALL pre-existing conditions (come on...something like obesity IS AND SHOULD BE treated differently than, say, juvenile diabetes)...or if you "mandate" that everyone purchase coverage (yeah, right), you will NOT be helping any of the people who are responsible in the first place...I mean, the folks who DO take care of business, even WITHOUT the mandate(s).

Why bring this up now? Because...BECAUSE...regardless of the type of health care reform, it WILL NOT make any difference. The poor will still suffer. The rich will still get preference. The middle class will still pay for everything...and it appears we WILL have some sort of health care reform. It is inevitable. HOWEVER, the only...ONLY way things will ever if we inject the word, "responsibility" into the equation.

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