Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Hypocrisy! Thy name is MediaCopp!!

Yes, I DID send our illustrious Governor Schwarzenegger a request for consideration as Lt. Gov. John Garamendi's replacement after the 10th Congressional district race is decided. I would indeed be willing to fill the remaining eight (8) months of Garamendi's term, no problem...

Is that hypocritical? After all, I AM a big, dumb white guy. Au contraire, Jean-Paul breath...I DID in fact state that I believe government should have "zero" elected officials of Euro-Anglo origins. I still believe that. HOWEVER, I DO want to remain true to my statement that this be done in an "inclusive," and not "exclusive" manner...in other words...we don't kick everyone out who does not fit the criteria; we simply move them to support positions...you know, in order to IMPROVISE, ADAPT, and OVERCOME...

I would fill the Lt. Gov. slot until such time as we can pass a law which forbids me (and my ilk) from holding elective office. I would then be fully supportive of my replacement and truly excited about continuing to contribute in a subordinate position. It's the perfect solution! It is inclusive...we would have MORE people invested in the process...and the "responsible" would continue to survive...while the irresponsible would either modify their recalcitrant ways...or be offered a free ticket home to Western Europe...but more on that later...

It's election day!! What's this I hear about these three (3) relatively notorious races (Governors' races in Virginia and New Jersey, and a congressional district in upper New York)...being a referendum on our (relatively) new president's policies...WHAT POLICIES? He's basically doing what his predecessor was doing...with the exception of health care...and then what? He's putting together a public/private partnership? Hello? We have that NOW...the only difference this time is the poor will be subsidized in a more overt (transparent) fashion...the middle class will STILL pay more. The REAL problem, I believe, is cap and trade (tax)...but more on that later...

Speaking of elections, SF mayor Gavin Newsome has dropped out of the California governor's race...not so fast with your celebratory movements there, Newt...ANYTHING can happen between now and next year....HOWEVER, yes...I AM three for three (in my predictions) or zero for three, depending how you look at it...but more on that (also) later...

One last item...Sheila Jackson Lee, congresswoman from Tennessee...she of the "Rush Limbo" attempting to buy into the National Football League (NFL) fame...many of you (okay, both of you) wrote and scolded me for calling her Sheila Lee (and thus omitting the surname Jackson). You thought I was being disrespectful because she apparently purposefully mispronounced the rotund one's last name. Boy, you guys are tough...

Anyway, now her cohort, Maxine Waters, congresswoman from California weighed in, indicating that she believes the NFL should lose their antitrust exemption. This statement was during the congressional hearings regarding players and their propensity for receiving concussions in the somewhat brutal game...and how teams should have "independent" panels to clear these injured players to return to the field (another long story). I AGREE! Why should a bunch of rich old white guys continue to reap the benefits of this type of "monopoly?" One question though...does Ms. Waters have a hyphenated name?

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