Thursday, October 22, 2009

D'jever? A Tribute to Andy Rooney

I've often wondered...

...what late, great comedian George Carlin would think about the Obama administration. California can be in a "drought" if the polar ice caps are melting due to global warming.

...why news outlets "run" with an item they know is false just to be "first."

...if there will ever be enough cable news or sports stations...

...why I didn't add "weather" to the above entry.

...if Neville Chamberlain ever won a Nobel prize...

...why people seriously worry about having their 2nd Amendment rights taken away...and...

...conversely, why people ever worry about access to clean, safe, AND legal abortions...

...and why one ever confuses constitutionally protected issues.

...if the Axis of Evil now encompasses our own country.

...if the feds do such a good job running the military, why can't we nationalize Health Care...

...if the military is so bad, why do we want the same folks (feds) running Health Care...

...since Wilson had Taft and Roosevelt had Hoover...hmmm...I feel sorry for Obama...

...if anyone out there will start taking MediaCopp seriously...and well, they should.

The above post is dedicated to the late, great An...what? He is? Oh, never mind...

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