Thursday, June 4, 2009

Well, it IS Obama's America...

Just a few quick ones today...

The NBA finals start tonight between the LA Lakers and the Orlando Magic...bummer that Magic players Rashard Lewis and Hedo Turkoglu will "lose" their shooting touch and the Lakers, er, I mean Kobe will dominate...take that, Shaq!

All public employees (state, county, city, etc) are grossly overpaid and consequently dip more heavily into the "benefit" category as well. Yes, we in Sacramento County held a firearm to the "powers-that-be" and extorted enhanced retirement benefits...yep, I worked 'round the clock for 26 plus years, and both knees are shot, but I'm grossly overcompensated...SCREW YOU...

Speaking of money for nothing, how 'bout the headline in this morning's Scabramento Bee, "No Job? No Prob." Unemployment to Funemployment? That's right...ha, ha, socialism takes root, we are at the infancy stage of what I like to call, "Slacker 1A." Hey, if you've got seemingly never ending unemployment benefits, a cash buy out, and enabling parents, well, heck, why go back to work? Yeah, works for me...

The IHSS program is in the news Sacramento, don't get me started. Yep, a couple of days ago, I was ranting about the rampant fraud in this program. I was blown off (by the media elite). Then, the Grand Jury gets involved and the quote-unquote media takes up the cause. LET ME BE CLEAR. IHSS (In Home Supportive Services), is invaluable...many elderly and/or disabled folks depend on assistance. But there are many, MANY cases of "nana being cared for by a crankster nephew" who simply blows the "check" on himself. Now, the DA's office (yeah, the same DA's office whose budget is being slashed so much that they won't even be able to prosecute anything but the most severe crimes)...THAT DA's office...will be "monitoring" potential waste and fraud...yeah, right...

Obama's first stop? You guessed it...the Saudi royal King...hmmm, I wonder what the "media" would've said if Bush...wait a minute...oh yeah, Bush was in the pocket of big oil...but hey, word has it that Obama asked Iranian government officials to come to the US for a 4th of July celebration...I love what late night comedian Jimmy Fallon had to say, "I guess the goal was to make them go, 'Death to Americ - aaaaaaa-ooooooo-aaaaahh.'"

Speaking of comedy, the local brouhaha over the (radio hosts) Rob, Arnie, and Dawn program from the other morning when they made comments regarding transgendered people being "freaks." First Amendment's a bitch, ain't it?

Yeah, First Amendment...the GOP whackos are out in full force trying to marginalize "all things Obama." Sure, everything from his continuation of failed Bush policies (like Iraq, Afghanistan, bailouts, etc) to his pick for the Supreme Court (so what? you thought he'd nominate Robert Bork?)...wait a minute Demo-creeps...have you heard Chris Matthews or Keith Olbermann lately? These two whackos sure must have never known what it was like to be a winner...I mean, their side (libs both) control ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING...and they STILL whine...

Tommy T's comedy club opens tonight at the old Garbeau's Dinner Theatre out at US 50 and Hazel Ave...believe me, with things getting worse everyday...and I mean WORSE BECAUSE of what our government is doing to try and "fix" things...well, we NEED to laugh...I mean, why not? In today's America, it sure ain't gonna pay to go to work...

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