Friday, June 12, 2009 recap...
The media is at it again...hopefully, Obama will be MUCH smarter than Clinton and not buy into all the idolatry...Bill's ego got so big and his narcissism so expansive, that he literally thought he was bulletproof...911 proved he (and I know, the chowder head too) wasn't...alas, we will see...
With that in mind, how 'bout another Czar? This time, a Tobacco Czar (or would that be Tsar)...I know several qualified individuals down near the mission...or better yet, the Man himself...
Who is wrong more often? Newt Gingrich or Dick Morris? Fox News blowhards both...I pick Gingrich...he's more dangerous...and electable...if our stupid electorate is any barometer...
Called right here in MediaCopp...give Kobe the Phil Jackson moves up to number 3 as the luckiest man on earth (he's still behind Bill Clinton and Barack Obama)...but he might even surpass Obama (#2) if the Repugnicans are successful in sabotaging Obama's economic plans...
A well deserved "attaboy" to the President for not caving in to the ACLU and the disingenuous Demoncats on Capitol Hill...and promising he will "do everything" to keep the Abu Ghraib photos from being released...
And NO, "attaboy" is NOT disrespectful, NOR is it tongue-in-cheek...unlike the lame apology from radio hosts Rob, Arnie and Dawn for their offensive remark about transgender people being freaks...but what I didn't that Carl's Jr. (of ALL people) pulled their advertising from the show...what? Yeah, their commercials aren't offensive (now THAT was sarcasm).
You do the math...we are in a "severe" drought...yep, we here in NorCal are two inches below normal in rainfall totals for the, even if you believe the tables (which I do not), it still appears patently obvious (even to a dolt like me), that there is peeeeee-lenty of water...
I mean, the water tables show that Folsom Lake is basically full...and Oroville and Shasta, well, if they kept just an extra couple of hundred (maybe even a thousand) acre feet per day from heading down the acre foot is 43,560 cubic feet...
Gee, at that rate, we might not even have to touch our melting polar icecaps for another few million years...but I DO know one thing...I think I've pretty much blown my shot at Water Czar...
With that in mind, how 'bout another Czar? This time, a Tobacco Czar (or would that be Tsar)...I know several qualified individuals down near the mission...or better yet, the Man himself...
Who is wrong more often? Newt Gingrich or Dick Morris? Fox News blowhards both...I pick Gingrich...he's more dangerous...and electable...if our stupid electorate is any barometer...
Called right here in MediaCopp...give Kobe the Phil Jackson moves up to number 3 as the luckiest man on earth (he's still behind Bill Clinton and Barack Obama)...but he might even surpass Obama (#2) if the Repugnicans are successful in sabotaging Obama's economic plans...
A well deserved "attaboy" to the President for not caving in to the ACLU and the disingenuous Demoncats on Capitol Hill...and promising he will "do everything" to keep the Abu Ghraib photos from being released...
And NO, "attaboy" is NOT disrespectful, NOR is it tongue-in-cheek...unlike the lame apology from radio hosts Rob, Arnie and Dawn for their offensive remark about transgender people being freaks...but what I didn't that Carl's Jr. (of ALL people) pulled their advertising from the show...what? Yeah, their commercials aren't offensive (now THAT was sarcasm).
You do the math...we are in a "severe" drought...yep, we here in NorCal are two inches below normal in rainfall totals for the, even if you believe the tables (which I do not), it still appears patently obvious (even to a dolt like me), that there is peeeeee-lenty of water...
I mean, the water tables show that Folsom Lake is basically full...and Oroville and Shasta, well, if they kept just an extra couple of hundred (maybe even a thousand) acre feet per day from heading down the acre foot is 43,560 cubic feet...
Gee, at that rate, we might not even have to touch our melting polar icecaps for another few million years...but I DO know one thing...I think I've pretty much blown my shot at Water Czar...
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