Friday, June 26, 2009

Health care can wait?

ISSUE #1 -- Health Care debate continues (I know, I know, what for?)
Well, not really...but soooooo much has happened the last few days...and believe me, the debate (and earmarks) rage on in the hallowed halls of even IF President Obama wanted a fair and equitable health care plan (he doesn't), congress will so bastardize the thing that I'm afraid it'll be worse than status quo...have no fear, I'll unveil my plan soon...

ISSUE #2 -- Shaq traded to Cleveland (woo-hoo, get Lebron his trophy...please...)
I was also going to write a letter to Shaquille O'Neal this week...why? Well, to plead with the "Diesel" to get into the best shape of his life (I know he can do it)...WE MUST DEFEAT KOBE (sounds like a volcano, eh?)...but yes, if I EVER see that "smirk" on ESPN or anywhere else EVER again, it'll be too soon...I say give Lebron some help so we can wipe that "smirk" off Kobe's know the smirk...every juvenile delinquent, wannabe gang banger, pseudo rebellious teen-age ne'er-do- well, et al, uses it...lip smacking good...

ISSUE #3 -- The King of Pop is dead!!
Many are calling Michael Jackson's passing "this generation's Elvis Presley." I'm not sure to whom that's more insulting...pill poppers or, seriously, the gloved one was an enigmatic icon...with more talent in his pinkie (with or without a glove) than most of us will ever have. Speaking of Elvis (hey, I'll bet there's more similarities than we're being told), he's been "gone" for more than 30 years...but he's still alive...Love live the King of Pop...

ISSUE #4 -- Hypocrisy (I love hypocrisy)
Once again, a REPUBLICAN has been caught with his proverbial pants down...this time it's South Carolina REPUBLICAN Governor Mark Sanford sashaying off to Argentina for a secret rendezvous with a woman who is not his wife...REPUBLICAN family values...yeah, right...and now, word is the REPUBLICAN governor met with his Argentinian "mistress" while there on the taxpayer dime...boy, what a REPUBLICAN...using OUR money...he could of at least stayed closer to home (New York) or maybe just fooled around with Congressman John Conyers' wife...

ISSUE #5 -- Iran/Iraq (if it's Tuesday, this must be Afghanistan)
Well, CNN has been all over the Iranian election crisis (i.e. demonstrations, riots, brutality, or not)...they "go to the Iran News Desk"(in Atlanta?) for the latest update on the strife...of course, there IS a news black out, there are no visuals. Hey, I know...want information...maybe use the same folks who said there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq...or better yet, shop for real estate in Tehran by going on Zillow...yeah right, we can't find out what's "really" going on there...sure...

ISSUE #6 -- Hypocrisy (Part 2)
Why does Mary Matalin get a pass on her right wing views when Laura Ingraham, Ann Coulter, and Michelle Malkin, each with "almost" similar views, are marginalized (even vilified) on a daily basis...I guess it pays to be married to one of the most hateful, attack dog-type Democrats on the planet...well, at least for the next 40 or 50 years...

Have you ever heard the expression, "throw everything at the wall and see what sticks?" No? Well, I'm afraid that's what the powers-that-be in Washington are doing as we slip further and further into socialist oblivion (Utopia?). But that''s like I've been saying (screaming) over and over...are you really (I mean REALLY) surprised at the intrusion (at times takeover) by the federal government into numerous areas of our lives...I mean, did you think he'd nominate Robert Bork for the Supreme Court or something? Hey, we voted for Hope and is not the time to stop and ask for know, maybe Health Care can't wait...

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