Tuesday, April 14, 2009

When will the...

When will the (media) powers that be...

...report that (St Louis Cardinal slugger) Albert Pujols has never been accused of using steroids DESPITE his "inflated" stats (what if his name was Barry?)...

...decide that oil prices fluctuate on more that just "supply" concerns and "demand" concerns...

...stop perpetuating the (California) drought myth while at the same time printing water table totals which clearly show no such thing...

...take a stand on "something" they should actually take a stand on...like that Al Franken should be seated as the new junior senator from Minnesota...

...end this love affair with Barack Obama (come on, for God sakes, he had us at "shalom")...

...similarly lighten up on the Republican bashing (news flash...they have no power...the Dems get "whatever" they want)...

...decide to "cancel" the NBA playoffs and skip right to a Lakers-Cavs Finals' showdown (with of course Kobe holding the trophy)...

...do one of their patented "investigations" into steroid use in baseball and "decide" that "hey, juicing helped the pitchers as much as the hitters...hmmm..."

...ever question why public utility companies can get away with retroactive rate increases with only token opposition...

...reveal why they reported that (Fed Chairman) Ben Bernanke was such a boob under George W. Bush and the best thing since sliced bread under Barack Obama...oh yes, this also goes for (Defense Secretary) Robert Gates and General (Commander, US Central Command) David Petraeus...

...call the current economic malaise what it ACTUALLY is...the fault of everybody, including Democrats AND Republicans (both congressional and executive), Big Business AND Individual borrowers, the Rich AND the Poor (wanna-be rich)...and MOST OF ALL, THE MEDIA...

I just thought of these...do you have any...reply to http://mediacopp.blogspot.com/

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