Thursday, January 15, 2009
What a difference 8 years makes!!!!
Well, this time next week, we'll have a new president. I'm looking forward to the return of some semblance of prosperity. Seriously...I am...and no, I'm not sarcastically inferring that the old crooks in DC will be replaced by a bunch of new (executive) crooks...I do think there will be a change...positive change. I believe this because as I have previously stated...much to the confusion of is far, FAR easier to sabotage than support...and I'm talking about "media" support...and it DOES matter...
No, I'm not saying all we need to do is join hands and sing "Kumbaya." The country won't miraculously heal thyself because the New York Times and other mainstream media outlets return to their "shiny, happy headlines" of the 90's (support) contrast to their mocking belittling tone of the past eight years (sabotage). No, I believe it's much more complex...but (at the same time) simple...we just need to work hard(er) to work together...
Sometime in December of 2000, I wrote a letter (e-mail) to George W. Bush...urging him to "step aside for the good of the country." He didn't listen...for obvious reasons...but I believe EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US can now see that I was right. The Democrats warned they rightly should have (well, I guess it WAS nice of them to give us advance warning)...that they were unhappy with the election and WOULD NOT support the new president...and they didn't...
No, I'm not just talking about the Clintons taking a few items of china and other trinkets from the White House (upon their departure). I'm talking about EACH AND EVERY even slightly relevant Democratic leader letting it be known (to the world) that we now (then) had an illegitimate president (sabotage) the way, the media was quick (and gleeful) to report that...that was easy...
Fast forward to today...are there any (relevant) Republican leaders calling Obama illegitimate? Of course not...that question is silly...a better question would be, are there any Republican leaders even hinting that they're hoping the new president will fail...and the answer to that is a big fat "NO!" And I believe THAT is difficult...that is, to support, FOR THE GOOD OF THE COUNTRY, someone with whom you philosophically and ideologically disagree...
There is NO ONE talking down the economy (well, except the Democrats themselves), NO ONE talking about "not supporting the president," and there is NO ONE not offering heartfelt support and congratulations for the incoming administration...except for a few far right loons...yeah, I know...double negative...sorry...but don't tell me swallowing your pride (like most Republicans from "W" on down are doing)...and supporting the easy...
Why? Well, I think it's because most reasonable people see what the last eight years have given us. NOBODY has fared well the last eight years. EVERYBODY has suffered. The finger pointing and the blame game have GOT to stop. The Democrats have proven they wouldn't stop. Let's see what the Republicans will do...if they take a page from the Democratic playbook, we are in BIG trouble. However, if they continue to offer (even tacit) support, I believe we have a really good chance...PEACE...
No, I'm not saying all we need to do is join hands and sing "Kumbaya." The country won't miraculously heal thyself because the New York Times and other mainstream media outlets return to their "shiny, happy headlines" of the 90's (support) contrast to their mocking belittling tone of the past eight years (sabotage). No, I believe it's much more complex...but (at the same time) simple...we just need to work hard(er) to work together...
Sometime in December of 2000, I wrote a letter (e-mail) to George W. Bush...urging him to "step aside for the good of the country." He didn't listen...for obvious reasons...but I believe EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US can now see that I was right. The Democrats warned they rightly should have (well, I guess it WAS nice of them to give us advance warning)...that they were unhappy with the election and WOULD NOT support the new president...and they didn't...
No, I'm not just talking about the Clintons taking a few items of china and other trinkets from the White House (upon their departure). I'm talking about EACH AND EVERY even slightly relevant Democratic leader letting it be known (to the world) that we now (then) had an illegitimate president (sabotage) the way, the media was quick (and gleeful) to report that...that was easy...
Fast forward to today...are there any (relevant) Republican leaders calling Obama illegitimate? Of course not...that question is silly...a better question would be, are there any Republican leaders even hinting that they're hoping the new president will fail...and the answer to that is a big fat "NO!" And I believe THAT is difficult...that is, to support, FOR THE GOOD OF THE COUNTRY, someone with whom you philosophically and ideologically disagree...
There is NO ONE talking down the economy (well, except the Democrats themselves), NO ONE talking about "not supporting the president," and there is NO ONE not offering heartfelt support and congratulations for the incoming administration...except for a few far right loons...yeah, I know...double negative...sorry...but don't tell me swallowing your pride (like most Republicans from "W" on down are doing)...and supporting the easy...
Why? Well, I think it's because most reasonable people see what the last eight years have given us. NOBODY has fared well the last eight years. EVERYBODY has suffered. The finger pointing and the blame game have GOT to stop. The Democrats have proven they wouldn't stop. Let's see what the Republicans will do...if they take a page from the Democratic playbook, we are in BIG trouble. However, if they continue to offer (even tacit) support, I believe we have a really good chance...PEACE...
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Hmmm. That damn bandwagon must be the size of the USS Reagan (your latest, greatest air craft carrier that holds half of the population of Fut Wuth, Tx, or something like that.) We shall see how Obama does, but we here in the UK already know that he will be better than the vacuous, banal, amoeba-sized IQ waste of 9 months of labour called "W." But then again, most dung beetles could give old baby Bush a pretty good kicking in the smarts department, and they roll dung balls all day!
Hopefully he will get a ton of stuff done without wasting more brave lives in the latest Exxon-Mobil sponsored shoot-em up. Why don't you change your country's name to "US, sponsored by China, Japan and any nation who has oil reserves?" Do you Yanks think that "saving" was that song by Christopher Cross? Not that the Brits over here are any better. Gordon Brown seems to think that by borrowing a billion or two will save his tenure, oops, I mean the economy. Yeah, and Roseanne Barr is picked to be Angelina Jolie's body double in her next movie...
Anyway, Obama says all of the right things, but he hasn't actually been in the job yet, has he? As the Scottish comedian Billy Connolly says, "You should never allow anyone to go into politics who actually wants to be a politician." Talk is cheap, unless you're Citigroup, or the big 3 US carmakers, that is.
I actually do wish Obama a lot of luck, because the job in front of him is almost Herculean in nature. But, no good deed does unpunished, so he will strain to actually do a fraction of what is needed to help the world's largest economy. Anything will help.
Your media is about fairness??? Next to Russia, China and Libya, your press is one of the most one-sided, parochial (I'm not talking about religion here, Bubba. Just go back to "spoiling" your step daughter and leave the mental heavy lifting to us. You know, tough stuff like 3 x 4 = 12. I know that you'd have to take off one of your shoes to get that answer), blinkered, biased, censored jokes of a fish wrap on the planet. Gee, Mr. Kennedy, you have no idea how that car with that person went over that bridge... Gee, the US won't pay their United Nations dues unless they get a big say in the electing of the next leader... Gee, when you slaughter innocent civilians, they are "collateral damage" from flawed intelligence, but when anyone that doesn't live in the hallowed borders of the blessed lands of the Yankees, they are terrorists who deserve to be hunted down and killed? Gee, the International Monetary Fund can charge people for their won water, since they "improved" the sources for them?
Obama will be a force for change. Good. The US of A won't win any popularity contests, and maybe Mr. newly-elected president can help restore faith in what is essentially a fine nation with caring folks.
Response to the latest blog:
Well, well, well, an optimist. I guess that considering that George W. Bush actually makes Caligula, Hitler, Mussolini and Mugabe look like PhD graduates in Management from Harvard, I guess there is some reason for hope. Let's see, he ruined a couple of oil comanies and left Texas $Billions in debt, and you chose to let him get away with stealing an election, hoping he'll have seen the light and reformed? The answer to that is an emphatic NO.
Maybe you haven't noticed, you Big Mac guzzling, Land yacht driving, war losing Yanks, but THERE IS A GLOBAL RECESSION AND IT'S YOUR FAULT! While you bail out every corrupt corporation that helps fatten the Bush family coffers, your children's grandchildren will be saddled with such a debt that they will be working until December 1st every year just to pay off their share of the debt. You don't save anyway, so I don't see a real difference there. May I recommend the book Atlas Shrugged by the author Ayn Rand, since it pretty well describes a society that rewards incompetence and political correctness to the point of stagnation (sound familiar, you little Uncle and Auntie Sams?) to the point where the real producers get sick of it (Hence, the title).
I hope that Obama DOES live up to even a little of his promise, but he won't have to do much to outshine the outgoing buffoon, will he? Why do I keep hearing the chorus of the Who's Baba O'Reilly: "Meet the new boss, same as the old boss...We won't get fooled again."?
I'm not casting aspersions without blame; the moron who supposed manages the UK (As Harry Truman, I believe said, "He couldn't manage a fart after a bean dinner."), Gordon Brown has lied, taxed (60 stealth taxes, at last count), and has decided to approve the 3rd Runway at Heathrow, even though popular opinion is almost unanimously against it, AND he will dig up a cemetery to complete the runway. Don't worry, America, G. Brown is going to make W. look like FDR or Kennedy pretty soon...
Best of luck with the new leader; I hope that he can return some of the lustre to the Red, White and Blue that has been painfully missing the last 20+ years.
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Hopefully he will get a ton of stuff done without wasting more brave lives in the latest Exxon-Mobil sponsored shoot-em up. Why don't you change your country's name to "US, sponsored by China, Japan and any nation who has oil reserves?" Do you Yanks think that "saving" was that song by Christopher Cross? Not that the Brits over here are any better. Gordon Brown seems to think that by borrowing a billion or two will save his tenure, oops, I mean the economy. Yeah, and Roseanne Barr is picked to be Angelina Jolie's body double in her next movie...
Anyway, Obama says all of the right things, but he hasn't actually been in the job yet, has he? As the Scottish comedian Billy Connolly says, "You should never allow anyone to go into politics who actually wants to be a politician." Talk is cheap, unless you're Citigroup, or the big 3 US carmakers, that is.
I actually do wish Obama a lot of luck, because the job in front of him is almost Herculean in nature. But, no good deed does unpunished, so he will strain to actually do a fraction of what is needed to help the world's largest economy. Anything will help.
Your media is about fairness??? Next to Russia, China and Libya, your press is one of the most one-sided, parochial (I'm not talking about religion here, Bubba. Just go back to "spoiling" your step daughter and leave the mental heavy lifting to us. You know, tough stuff like 3 x 4 = 12. I know that you'd have to take off one of your shoes to get that answer), blinkered, biased, censored jokes of a fish wrap on the planet. Gee, Mr. Kennedy, you have no idea how that car with that person went over that bridge... Gee, the US won't pay their United Nations dues unless they get a big say in the electing of the next leader... Gee, when you slaughter innocent civilians, they are "collateral damage" from flawed intelligence, but when anyone that doesn't live in the hallowed borders of the blessed lands of the Yankees, they are terrorists who deserve to be hunted down and killed? Gee, the International Monetary Fund can charge people for their won water, since they "improved" the sources for them?
Obama will be a force for change. Good. The US of A won't win any popularity contests, and maybe Mr. newly-elected president can help restore faith in what is essentially a fine nation with caring folks.
Response to the latest blog:
Well, well, well, an optimist. I guess that considering that George W. Bush actually makes Caligula, Hitler, Mussolini and Mugabe look like PhD graduates in Management from Harvard, I guess there is some reason for hope. Let's see, he ruined a couple of oil comanies and left Texas $Billions in debt, and you chose to let him get away with stealing an election, hoping he'll have seen the light and reformed? The answer to that is an emphatic NO.
Maybe you haven't noticed, you Big Mac guzzling, Land yacht driving, war losing Yanks, but THERE IS A GLOBAL RECESSION AND IT'S YOUR FAULT! While you bail out every corrupt corporation that helps fatten the Bush family coffers, your children's grandchildren will be saddled with such a debt that they will be working until December 1st every year just to pay off their share of the debt. You don't save anyway, so I don't see a real difference there. May I recommend the book Atlas Shrugged by the author Ayn Rand, since it pretty well describes a society that rewards incompetence and political correctness to the point of stagnation (sound familiar, you little Uncle and Auntie Sams?) to the point where the real producers get sick of it (Hence, the title).
I hope that Obama DOES live up to even a little of his promise, but he won't have to do much to outshine the outgoing buffoon, will he? Why do I keep hearing the chorus of the Who's Baba O'Reilly: "Meet the new boss, same as the old boss...We won't get fooled again."?
I'm not casting aspersions without blame; the moron who supposed manages the UK (As Harry Truman, I believe said, "He couldn't manage a fart after a bean dinner."), Gordon Brown has lied, taxed (60 stealth taxes, at last count), and has decided to approve the 3rd Runway at Heathrow, even though popular opinion is almost unanimously against it, AND he will dig up a cemetery to complete the runway. Don't worry, America, G. Brown is going to make W. look like FDR or Kennedy pretty soon...
Best of luck with the new leader; I hope that he can return some of the lustre to the Red, White and Blue that has been painfully missing the last 20+ years.
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