Thursday, December 11, 2008

Nobody knows...nobody cares... appears due to the lukewarm response I've received, that few people if any are truly concerned about the budget crisis here in Californica. Granted, my simplistic approach to solving said crisis could use a tad more research and consideration, but these lunchtime rantings are not quite the venue for absolutes; rather, they are more or less suggestions...many would say, "hey, the media is NOT the place to shape public policy...or offer suggestions or directions." They would add, "the (media) are a reflection of public thought and perception." Pshaw!!!!!

Headline in the Scab-ramento Bee today, "Governor sounds alarm," along with the obligatory, "Financial Armageddon coming, he warns"...then just below that, an odometer of sorts showing the state's budget shortfall "second by second," or -$6,607,788,738 (and counting)...granted, it was the governator and his people doing the sensationalizing, but the "media" lapped it up. Okay, okay, we all know the severity, but where are the answers? Well, yes, they're right here on, but I haven't seen 'em anywhere else. Sure, I heard musings of the potheads potentially getting what they want (legalization), but little else.

The Bee of course tosses out their patented, "Republicans aren't offering solutions and are unwilling to compromise," but we taxpayers know that's untrue...I mean, the budgets are ALWAYS, ALWAYS balanced with a combination of cuts and taxes...ALWAYS...they might "say" there are no new taxes, but there are ALWAYS revenue generators EVERYWHERE...why the Bee wants to perpetuate the deceit, I don't know. Likewise, right wing factions attempt to maintain that "Democrats refuse to stop spending and won't cut (even) bloated programs," although EVERY year programs are slashed to the bone.

Lest ye think I'm not serious, let me briefly summarize my multi-step plan to balance this (and future) budget(s)...number #1, legalize (and tax the hell out of) marijuana; number #2, assist, neigh encourage (and of course, legalize) gay marriage...bring as many responsible, hard working, taxpaying people (as possible) to California; number #3, which is an addendum to #2, would be to use the issue of "marriage" to generate revenue...I mean, tax for marriage, tax for's a win-win...number #4, a California ID's not a panacea mind you...but simply a matter of convenience (to pay extra if you don't happen to have your card with you)...

But let's not stop there...before we ship this list off to Arnold and Darrell and all the folks under the Capitol Dome, why not throw in sin taxes on more entities than just the obligatory, beer, wine and cigarettes...dry cleaning comes to mind...hell, I'll walk around in wrinkled clothes if I have biggie...AHA! But what about the poor lone proprietor of your local "Martinizer?" Believe me, they'll know that most those "mom and pop" shops ship their clothes elsewhere to be cleaned? Did you know that? But I digress...

What about the gambling industry? Sports books? On-line betting? Super Bowl pools? Granted, it didn't quite work with the know, the insipid (and untruthful) "our kids win too," crap...but, this time, we don't have to lie to anyone...the MONEY IS FOR US...well, maybe it's more for the huge new bureaucracy that will be created in order to bottle our new "Nevada-lite." But no, we won't be Nevada...or infringe on the Indian Gaming industry...all I'm saying is that there has GOT to be a way to make this work for us...

Do you have any suggestions? Send 'em in...we'll get it to Arnold...eventually...hey, just using my multi-point plan will generate more than enough revenue for years (and decades) to come. But do we care? I say "Yes!!!" Well, unless of course we don't...

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