Thursday, November 20, 2008

A New Trail

Week there you go...

Historic, revolutionary, monumental, an American first, call it what you will...but if we don't get behind (AND SUPPORT) our new president, Barack Obama, we'll simply be repeating the same patterns of the past...and expecting different results (YES, the true definition of insanity...

What same patterns? Well, in my lifetime, we went from war hero (I like Ike) to the first catholic president...after a bitter campaign in which we wouldn't have Dick Nixon to kick around anymore...

Then we had some monumental mistakes (Bay of Brisket?), only to be glossed over (duplicitous media even in those days?) because of the quote-unquote popularity of a young, Camelot-like, figure occupying the White House...

Then a tragedy (Cletis, put away your gun...history had better NOT repeat itself...or we're all dead) and a wanna-be Texan takes over the presidency, only to get us into a deeper quagmire...

Round two...Nixon back in the White House, this time as top guy (the donkey's are breying), and after promises of getting us out of "the quagmire" were reneged upon, the other guys now see they're own opening...and a Senator from one of the Dakotas (I forget which) will lead us not into temptation...and deliver us from Nixon...

But wait, the Elephants see the Senator coming and build a "gate" near the Potomac river...a sort of "Watergate," if you will, to keep the Senator's now Round three, however, the donkeys, led by a southern Senator appear...and really start to kicking on poor Tricky Dick...and this really makes the elephants mad...

Revenge is sweet, sayeth the Elephants...who proceed to mock and belittle every attempt the donkeys make to "get us out of the Nixonian Era." Finally, a peanut farmer is summoned. He's not like everyone else; he's an outsider; a renagade; he'll clean up this town...well, we all know what happened then...

The Reagan revolution (can you say Nixon IV? Sure, I knew you could...), but now the donkeys are fuming...obstruction becomes the word of the day, er decade...but more on that later. What to do? Another southerner, that'll show 'em...not only that, but the Hollywood actor that the elephants trotted out, will not only be rivaled, but eclipsed by the "new" outsider...even though he had shag carpeting in the back of his El Camino...

But wait! Yes, obstruction is still the word, but now we'll combine it with obfuscation...and build a "whole lot more gates." Tricky Dick becomes Wild Bill and elephants are dancing in the streets. They then steal not ONE, but TWO elections and are now as smug as they wanna be...with another wanna-be Texan...

Fast Forward to today...the two paths are clear...both have been used extensively and are in dire need of pothole repair...I have a better idea...let's blaze a new trail...

Ah, the Mr. Copp that I know! A symphony of irreverence fortified with past facts. Well Done! I look forward to more of your humour and sage (maybe parsley) advice...
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