Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Answer

THIS IS IT!!!!! My First had better be good...

Okay, here goes...I call this posting, "The Answer." Why? Because we here in the (less than) great state of California are facing a monumental budget crisis...

What to do...what to do...the governator and legislators are offering up the same quick fixes...both (all) expecting results differing from past patchwork budgets (hmm, the true definition of "insanity")...alas, no one knows, really, what to do...spending cuts, tax increases, cutting waste, generating revenue, call it whatever you's still the SAME OLD THING!!!

However, I have the answers! Yes, little old inconsequential, insignificant me...mediacopp...who'd a thunk it, right? But if you want, if you REALLY want to solve the budget crisis, here is a quick, pain free way to fix this and quite possibly future budgets...

FIRST, legalize AND tax all marijuana. Wait, don't cry about the breakdown of society and what legalizing drugs will do to our people, the children, blah, blah, blah...hey, NEWS FLASH! It's ALREADY LEGAL!!! Doctor's notes, nothing more than "traffic tickets" for possession, cannabis clubs sprouting (eh, get it?) up all it heavily...

SECOND, legalize gay marriage...stop the discrimination (and hyprocrisy) and allow, neigh, encourage all gay Americans to come to California and get "married." I don't know about you, but ALL gay people I know, especially committed gay people (who want to get married), are IN FACT extremely responsible people...and responsible people pay taxes and contribute...

THIRD, put a state tax/surcharge on all legal marriages (NO DISCRIMINATION)...lord knows we have enough people living in sin...and if something as basic as Proposition 8 can spark so much emotion (and enthusiasm), it would be a shame not to make this work for all of us...and make divorce cheap(er)...high fees for marriage, low (or none) for divorce...

FOURTH, issues California Driver's Licenses or ID cards to all "legal" residents...again, No Discrimination based on race, sex, religion, etc. and issue these cards to ALL legal residents who want and qualify for one. THEN, place a small levy/fee/fine/surcharge/etc. on ALL merchandise in the state. If you possess a card, you are excused from the fee; if not, simply pay the nominal charge (yes, I know it would be hard to police, but there are ALL sorts of ways it could be done).

FIFTH, but certainly not the bejeebus out of anyone who mocks this list...hey, these are the basics, folks; yes, they are the ANSWER, but certainly not without the need for fine tuning. You know, I was told Arnold is willing to listen to "everything." Hmmm, bet he won't see my list...but he should...

Hah! Come and try to tax me, you granola-eating, fake-tan wearing, bikini-waxing, leftist-pinko leaning surfers!!! I already live in the damn worst prepared economy in the world for the financial meltdown, so - to quote one of our comedians here (Johnny Vegas) - "What can you do to me that God hasn't done already?"
Not sute that I agree with all of your ideas (yeah, I know, it's sarcasm and irony. Irony -isn't that where you damn Yanks nearly wiped out the ORIGINAL inhabitants of the good ol' U S of redneck, oops, I mean America?)
Leave the Governator alone to do his job, and make CA more like Europe, and maybe the Left Coast may get a clue.
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