Sunday, November 1, 2015

It's about a year away...

The 2016 presidential election is about a year away. I have a certain fondness for presidential elections. After all, it was the impetus for my retirement nearly 7 years ago. It was easy...I mean, really easy to see which direction the country was headed back then. After 8 years of "W" and his inability to stand strong for any real principles, (in other words, allow the Democrat(ic)s to shape, frame (even) invent the narrative and fail to contradict any of their attempts at sabotage because you didn't want to "disrespect the office." Yeah, you saw what we got...

But, on to today...with all the brouhaha regarding the last Republican presidential debate on CNBC. It seems as though nobody liked the debate, the moderators, and especially the questions (asked). If you're a liberal, you hated the way the moderators allowed the candidates to control the debate (which easily countered their attempts to create dissension among the GOP). Truthfully, the moderators' attempts to "make the candidates" look like fools backfired. Conversely, if you're a conservative, you certainly didn't appreciate the overt bias of the moderators, their questions, AND their network. I, however, thought the debate was a good one.

"What?!?! Nobody liked the're just being oppositional." No, I'm serious. The staged nature of these proceedings often becomes boring, monotonous, trivial even...and this last debate most certainly was not. In fact, none of the debates thus far have been mundane, even the Democrat(ic) debate...and that's the way I believe it SHOULD be...and I think if most people took off their partisan hats and really thought about it, they'd also agree with me. I mean, do you really want a bunch of stuffed shirts standing on a stage reciting data, like some kind of pre-programmed electronic device? No, you do not! You can go on line and get all the candidate's positions on the issues.

But what you can't get from reading pamphlets or perusing a web exactly what we got in this last debate. Like him or not, Ted Cruz displayed a quick wit and (almost) a photographic memory when taking down moderator John Harwood for his obvious bias and inappropriate questioning of what should have been an "economic-based" debate. Even Marco Rubio got into the act when admonishing the moderators for baiting Jeb Bush into "questioning his Senate voting record." Chris Christie, when blasting the moderators said, "even in New Jersey, what you're doing is called rude." No, nothing mundane about this debate...

Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus was outraged at the blatant nature of the proceedings, the moderators and their network. He promised to cease all future prospective debates with the NBC network or any of their affiliates. He added the candidates deserve a forum where their ideas and stands can be fully vetted and understood by the public.

Heck, nobody wants that...

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