Friday, October 2, 2015

Here We Go Again!

Seems as though I could open every post with those four words...but yes, here we go again...another mass shooting, this time at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon. Latest reports show that 10 people have died and numerous others have been wounded. The media is replete with stories of the gunman and they happily name the scumbag and even delve as deep as they can into his warped psyche and any remote possibility of if they could ever figure it out...

...and just like the last one, the President of the United States immediately came forward with his solution...more gun laws...almost as quickly, his opponents counter with the same old, "guns don't kill people," blah-blah-blah. I have to hand it to the "pro-gun" people...they do tend to remain above (away from) the fray and allow the dust to settle whereas the "anti-gun" crowd more often than not immediately jumps on the soap box with their charts and graphs, showing how the US leads the world in mass shootings...

...and no one wants to solve the problem. The president, clearly frustrated, mentions how these shootings and the response is becoming "routine," and then continues, offering more routine solutions to these tragedies. He did, however, tweak his routine a bit, indicating the responses of Congress are "routine" whereas his are, I guess, more heartfelt. Here's the deal, though, the president is the ONLY individual person with the ability to act...and thus far he has not...

...and why should he, right? As long as he can blame Congress...or the NRA...or the throngs of "gun clingers" in this country. I've outlined my response AND my solutions to these tragedies on numerous occasions in this blog and other areas of social media...a lot good it does, sure, but I'll continue because who knows...someday people may WANT to solve this problem and these suggestions are rock solid, can be achieved with little controversy, AND can be implemented by the man at the top... control the FBI, ATF, the entire Justice have a team of constitutional attorneys at your CAN put resources toward enforcing the Federal Gun Act of 1968 which outlaws possession of a firearm by any felon or person with a mental illness. Start there. can suspend portions of the 4th Amendment in dealing with these people AND their complicit relatives...certain people should not have guns, the Gun Act says's time to get serious about not only getting guns out of the hands of these people, but also limiting their access to them... can immediately stop naming the suspects, dead or alive, of ANY incident of this sort. The media is complicit in giving these scumbags the notoriety they seek and this can be immediately quashed. Minors, rape victims' names, etc. remain confidential...I say these individuals also need to remain anonymous...

THIS IS JUST A START. There are many, MANY other things which you as President of the United States can do IMMEDIATELY! THEN, we can start talking about all the things you and other people on the left want to achieve without folks on the right immediately thinking confiscation. IT CAN BE DONE!!! So, get with it...

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